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Beazty Merlin

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Everything posted by Beazty Merlin

  1. The best way to get rid of a listing is to report a uncovered nipple, because that gets a listing offline in hours Stolen goods however stays for weeks in some cases. Its flooding the full perm mesh categories in the meanwhile, and Linden doesnt seem to care. The whole DCMA procedure just doesnt work, and Linden does nothing. It sux. Less and less full perm creators If you look now, the first few 100 items are all stolen (with one or two exceptions). What Linden doesnt seem to realize is that creators can choose between grids these days. If Linden doenst do something fast, it is going to affect the Sl economy, and thus Linden itself. Maybe then stolen items can be taken offline faster than a uncovered nipple..
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