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Shivan Zhang

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Everything posted by Shivan Zhang

  1. Since there doesn't appear to be a pony AO HUD anywhere, I feel the need to make my own. Mine will be free, but since I'd rather not try my hand at animations, I'd like the following Pony/Quad animations/poses for free and with at least copy and transfer perms: Quad Lay Belly Quad Lay Left Quad Sit Up Quad Stand Quad Stand Up Horse Kick (have) Don't mind adding a notecard to credit those who deserve and want it.
  2. Oh, thanks to me enduring a terrible yet populated Starfleet sim, I'm trying to create a realistic system for a Starfleet ship. Mainly using typical spoken computer commands, a HUD with buttons, and some remote controls. Since Deuterium and Dilithium are the two main fuel sources, I decided to make a system where you can add things to fuel tanks as long as adding won't go over. Dilithium is drained by the engines and Deuterium is drained by just about everything else. I need to keep the Deuterium and Dilithium values the same across all scripts, and present can't seem to get the Prim Description work around working. There's not even a single relavant exmple on the related LSL Portal page. Since its not a very long add_dilithium script so far I'll post it: integer listen_handle; integer dilithium_amount; integer dilithium_max = 500000; string dilithium_text; default { state_entry() { dilithium_amount = (integer)llGetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_DESC ] )//Compiler dies here!; llOwnerSay((string)dilithium_amount); if (dilithium_amount == NAN)//If its not a number, set it to 500000 { dilithium_amount = 500000; } listen_handle = llListen(999, "", "", "add_dilithium"); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { integer added_dilithium = dilithium_amount + 5000; if (added_dilithium < dilithium_max) { dilithium_amount = added_dilithium; string dilithium_added_say = "Dilithium added" + (string)dilithium_amount; //dilithium_text = (string)dilithium_amount; llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_DESC, dilithium_amount ] ); llOwnerSay(dilithium_added_say); } else { string dilithium_say = "Dilithium added" + (string)dilithium_amount; llOwnerSay(dilithium_say); } } }
  3. I have a huge project with two different values that can go up or down based on listens. Since a script can only have one listen the only way to keep one value between the up and down listen scripts is writing to a darn notecard. Its been offered as a requested feature ages ago, but Linden Labs continues to be great big jerks! I'd love to poke the Lindens in the head over and over until they agree, but they apparantly are afraid of reading standard feedback. Wish it was easier to direct my comments to the correct place. Sorry you guys have to put up with my rant (but I'm even more sorry you put up with Linden Lab's constant screw ups).
  4. I've already web searched a ton, to no avail. I just couldn't find a copy no matter how hard I tried. Despite my router misbehaving about letting server traffic through like it did before I tried increasing the firewall strength (and a factory reset didn't work, either), I'd still love to have a Second Life server running on my server connected to the main SL grid someday. EDIT: I already know about OpenSIM, and had a few sims running localhost for awhile. I'm not interested in OpenSIM at the moment. Linden Labs made Second Life's viewer open source and more recently their server. According to what I've read, its possible to connect a Second Life sim to the beta grid (using OpenSIM or a flavor of Second Life Server). Gotta wonder who realy owns what with how so many different server versions are running on the main grid (I remember visiting a Magnum server while logged into the main grid earlier today). Unless users get to choose which server software their sim uses when they pay for a whole one (as well as Linden Labs occassionally needing to get some traffic congestion off their own sim servers) it only makes sense that third parties can add their own sims to the main grid somehow. Despite open source, I can't find Blue Steel, LeTigre, Magnum, or their standard flavor of server. I tried to ask the tons of members part of the Second Life Beta (server) group first, but group chat for regular users is disabled, so I left the stupid group. Gotta state the obvious that why would Linden Labs have 4 different Second Life Server varieties if they were only using them for their own sims?
  5. I know the legal issues. I use "Stored Inventory" to back up what I can, and am really happy about what I copied with it before the change in the ToS to make it legally wrong to move items you haven't made yourself. Sure there is "LibOMV", but that only copies objects, not the contents. Its guess and check with a lot of work involved trying to move a lot of stuff to another grid. That's why I'd like my SecondLife inventory available in my OpenSIM. Bah, leagal mumbo jumbo...
  6. What's the uri of Second Life's inventory tables? I need it for my OpenSIM. I'd like to make my own grid with the most recent "NewWorldStudio", but I'd love to at least be able to access my own SecondLife inventory. It would be nice to do logins through them, but somehow still have my grid seperate from them if I have to. Gridnauts isn't taking new registrations anymore. Is using their inventory tables even possible? I know there are differences between OpenSIM and SecondLife, so who knows what kind of database Linden Labs is running? I'm stick and tired of being "ruthed" trying to go from grid to grid. I want all my stuff all the time. If its not possible, this is poking at Linden Labs to make it so! Why not have all my virtual world data with them?
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