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Madit Renfew

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Everything posted by Madit Renfew

  1. apparently you have never tried to build on land that you cant terraform. Kinda hard to build flush to the ground when the ground itself isnt flush. Tho it is pretty entertaining seeing someone who owns a bunch of rental properties that look like they were built solely with items from the freebie shops of the beginning years of SL telling others how dreadful their parcels look lol
  2. Looking to hire someone to professionally landscape a full region for me. Can contact here or in world. Referrals/portfolio (flickr/FB/etc) are a plus (If this isn't the correct forum for this hopefully it gets moved)
  3. Looking to hire someone to professionally landscape a full region for me. Can contact here or in world. Referrals/portfolio (flickr/FB/etc) are a plus (If this isn't the correct forum for this hopefully it gets moved)
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