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Ayrin Breyer

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Everything posted by Ayrin Breyer

  1. Small victory: Managed to find a Viewer that works: Cool VL. But it's pretty primitive in comparison to the other viewers and I'll still be trying to get the others to work. Again, thank you for all your help, guys, I really appreciate it.
  2. Thank you for all of your help guys. The problem is still persisting, which suggests it's something in my inventory that's crashing me. I'll try and contact LL now and have to wait, I guess. Any ideas how long this could take? ...and while I'm at it, how/where do I submit a ticket? Never had to submit one before.
  3. As I mentioned earlier, I've tried other viewers, all with the same result. Just tried the older version of Firestorm and got the same crash.
  4. Tried Beta viewer on main grid, same issue as before where the viewer crashes on the 'downloading clothing' part of the login process. Tried logging in to beta test grid using Firestorm, and get the same crash. Managed to log in to the test grid with the LL SL Viewer though, just can't log in anywhere else.
  5. Yes, I have tried logging in to Furball and Aqua with no success.
  6. Hey, I've been using SL for a long time now. Using a Late 2009 15' Mac Book Pro, 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB of 1067 MHz DDR3. No problems with using SL aside from my lap getting burned when I stay on too long. This morning, out of the blue, I try logging in using the latest version of Firestorm, and a few seconds after my world begins to rez, the viewer crashes inexplicably. Tried logging in again, but this time the viewer crashed just before the 'Downloading Clothes' part of the login process was finished. This has remained that way every time I try to login again. I lowered all my graphics settings, cleared the cache, tried logging in to a different region, no joy. I then looked at my computer, updating software, shutting down and restarting, verifying the disk and disk permissions, emptying out old programmes to make space, but still nothing, I then tried downloading every other viewer under the sun, but got the same issues, with no crash reports other than 'would you like to report this to LL?'. I re-downloaded and did a fresh install of Firestorm but got the same crash. Finally, I downloaded the SL Beta Viewer and managed to login to the beta test grid. My AV loaded, the world loaded too with no problems. Only thing is, my inventory is months out of date, as is my friendslist and I can't TP to my home or favorite sims. I've used my tablet and can login fine, chat to my friends and whatnot, but obviously can't see anything or interact with anyone. If anyone out there has any idea what to do or what is going on, I would greatly appreciate the help.
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