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Debi Dastardly

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Posts posted by Debi Dastardly

  1. 2 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

    With roadside yes.. to some extent although I have never found it easy to find what I consider roadside parcels, at least not without paying more of a premium for the land than I would like, but then I don't value roadside so highly. I had some roadside and waterside in Jeogeot... but it was unprotected water access and soon after I bought it the neighbours blocked it off, so I abandonned it rather than try and get my money back on it. Since then I had some road access in heterocera through a slither of abandoned land but that has recently been bought blocking me from my most direct route to the road, but actually now I explore more the indirect road access over abandonned land is much more fun.

    For waterside access I got lucky a few years ago on a couple of places and paid reasonable prices for waterside on Zindra and near the Linden Village. But those were unusually good deals I spent hours scouring the map before finding them. For the main sailing area though, I don't think there has been a time in the last 5 years when protected water access to the Nautilus\Blake Sea water ways has not been prohibitively expensive (at least on my budget 50k L$ being about my limit on smallish parcels I like). That is certainly not a recent phenomenon.

    Yeah maybe not in Zindra, also Linden village is on Sansara. But laying all that aside, Sansara, and the atoll was heavily abandoned just a year ago, and yes even water frontage. This is what i refer to.

  2. 1 minute ago, Aethelwine said:

    The deserted areas on mainland are the areas without transport access, because there is no reason to live there. Just negatives no estate owner to enforce a building code, limits on the numbers of people that can be there, no restraints on the neighbours use of security devices.

    The areas around waterways especially demand prices far in excess of privates sims, because despite those negatives that still apply, they offer something that private sims can't offer.. and that is the connected waterways and for roadside parcels, road access.

    Only recently with the rise of the GTFO game has many of the roadside parcels as well as even some water frontage been claimed. These parcels have sat abandoned for months and years in some cases. Don't get me wrong, i am more than happy to see people returning to the mainland, but, even with all this happening, we are still a small minority.

  3. Sure someone has brought this up already,. But, would it be possible for LL to just move the continents closer together, to accomplish connecting all the sims? I'm not sure if that's possible how much that would cost. But, surely it would save them money on placing rarely used OS sims, because as much as i wish we were larger, the sailing/flying/driving/train community, is just not that large. Most SL people like to have a little home somewhere, go to a club, shopping, exploring, and every now and then they wonder into a sailing place, or an airport, ect. Before 2014, I wasn't aware sim crossing in vehicles was all that good really, I used to drive cars, or try to back in 2008, as well as a boat once. So for years i dismissed the idea of doing any of these things. Dare i say, the way i was before 2014 represents the majority of Second Life users. So LL would have to really see a benefit to people like I was before 2014, or it wont happen. Many people think, that LL is out of touch with their customer base, and I disagree! Majority of Second Life residents want a little world of their own, and not many bother with vehicles at all. this is why when you look at the world map, you see all  those private sims out there, that someone is paying for. Maybe if LL improved how vehicles and AVies can cross sims, than yeah, maybe more of the general population would jump on board. Also many land barons will fight this, for many reasons in some cases it will ruin their business. Look at this pic of the map below, all those dots, are private sims someone is constantly paying for. This proves my point, most people want a private little space of their own, and don't worry about moving from continent to continent.

    look at all those private sims, that peopel are paying for..png

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