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Silvarian Ort

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Everything posted by Silvarian Ort

  1. ok i'll try and make that work :3 Thanks again guys for helping me out.
  2. Thanks but thats not what i need ...thanks for trying tho. I already have a hud script built that is going t recieve the message. That script i posted is what i need moded to just talk to the person sitting down on the object. It also needs to say that message over ...and over again for what i am making it for. Sorry for being difficult ..but that script wont work with what i am doing. So i need that repeating timer and there and it only needs to talk or llsay when the person sits on it not when it gets off :3.
  3. Sorry if i am not clear.. I am making a hud and this script is going to speak to anyone wearing that hud that sits on the object. The hud is suppost to listen for that message then perform an action and no its not bleh ..its going to be something else when i complete the hud. The problom i am having is that when me and somone else that is helping me test this script sits down on the object it is only speaking to me and not his hud...it only speaks to his hud if he owns the object but i need it to speak to anyone that sits on this object that has this script inside of it. Sorry ..i hope this was more clear and thanks for helping. :3
  4. I have this script that when an avatar sits on it , it will send out a message. The problem is that it is only speaking to the owner and i need it to speak to anyone who sits on the object with this script in it. Can someone please help me with this darn thing into getting the message to speak to anyone who sits on the object and not just the owner? Thanks. key agentKey = NULL_KEY; integer permissionResult = FALSE; string theAnim = "sit"; string sitText = "sit"; vector sittingPosition = <-0.1,0.0,-0.2>; init() { //Change the text shown on the pie menu to what we've specified in sitText llSetSitText(sitText); llSitTarget(sittingPosition,<0,0,0,1>); } default { state_entry() { init(); } on_rez(integer times) { init(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if ( agentKey != NULL_KEY && agent == NULL_KEY) { agentKey = agent; { } llRequestPermissions(agentKey,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else if ( agentKey != NULL_KEY && agent == NULL_KEY) { if (permissionResult) { llStopAnimation(theAnim); } llResetScript(); } } } run_time_permissions(integer value) { if (value == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { permissionResult = TRUE; llStopAnimation("sit"); llStartAnimation(theAnim); } llSetTimerEvent(10.0); // generate a timer event every 1 second } timer() { llSay(2,"bleh"); } }
  5. Hey thanks for taking a look at my thread. I just tested it all out and it works great! Thanks so much for the help :3
  6. Hey thanks for taking a look at my thread. I just tested it all out and it works great! Thanks so much for the help :3
  7. Greetings everyone. I'm having trouble getting a timer inside a script with a sit animation inside of it. I'm pretty new at Scripting and I'm just not understanding how this is supposed to work inside of it. Would anyone mind taking a look at the script? I need this script to constantly repeat the message when the player sits down every second. I keep getting a syntax error infront of the timer down at the bottom. Is it possible that i'm going about this all wrong? Anything can help, thank you. key agentKey = NULL_KEY; integer permissionResult = FALSE; string theAnim = "Sit"; string sitText = "Sit"; vector sittingPosition = <-0.1,0.0,-0.2>; init() { //Change the text shown on the pie menu to what we've specified in sitText llSetSitText(sitText); llSitTarget(sittingPosition,<0,0,0,1>); } default { state_entry() { init(); } on_rez(integer times) { init(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if ( agentKey == NULL_KEY && agent != NULL_KEY ) { agentKey = agent; llRequestPermissions(agentKey,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else if ( agentKey != NULL_KEY && agent == NULL_KEY) { if (permissionResult) { llStopAnimation(theAnim); } llResetScript(); } } } run_time_permissions(integer value) { if (value == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { permissionResult = TRUE; llStopAnimation("sit"); llStartAnimation(theAnim); { llSetTimerEvent(1.0); // generate a timer event every 1 second } timer() { llSay(0,"sit"); } } }
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