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Krystel Gagliano

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Everything posted by Krystel Gagliano

  1. hi if someone knows where to find special hair to take pic in different positions. i have some from argrace already ( saki tsumugi..)but cant find other shop...for example hair falling or spreaded around head when laid on back....) thanks for your answers krys
  2. salut je galere depuis 2 jours avec les attachments type tatouage maquillage effets etc.... hier ils sattachaient mais naparaissaient pas en surbrillance donc je ne pouvais pas les detacher ... il fallait que je me relog pour les voir...et pour pouvoir les detacher..auj je peux meme pas les attacher .. jutilise firestorm quelqu'un dautre subit depuis quelques temps? ou je suis la seule a bugguer? merci
  3. hi well ive dowloaded the new release but when i was about to install it my computer wont let me do it warning me there was a problem with file that could damage my computer.i ve avoided it so i dont know if someone else had same message but one of my friend online told me her computer warned her too.. hope ull find how to fix this i wont install new release till its safe for sure
  4. hi am i the only one experimenting low rezzing since some timle now? its like it takes ages to rezz all changment of make up skin hair.. im wondering if its only me or if its general as its not notifying anywhere i could see. thanks for help
  5. still not fixed at all can see my basic grey shape full body alpha not working since yesterday
  6. hi i have an old avatar that i would like to delete but as its my first it has a huge inventory ( kind of expensive one) and i wouldnt like to waste all ive bought.is it possible to transfer that inventory to a new avatar? thx for helping
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