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Ilianexsi Sojourner

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Everything posted by Ilianexsi Sojourner

  1. Hey everyone, just wondering if someone knows where this hair is from? I haven't had much luck in the past with asking on Flickr, so I thought I'd try here. Thanks!
  2. I saw this picture posted on Snapzilla (not posted by the person shown) and I'm wondering whether anyone knows where this hair is from? I love the color-- it looks similar to Ploom to me, but I looked around there and didn't see anything like it. http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/pic.aspx?id=525196 I would ask this person, but SL has been alternating between crashy and laggy for me tonight, so I can't seem to stay online for very long. Does anyone have any ideas about the maker? Thanks a lot!
  3. Just started checking out this thread-- lots of great pics! Just wondering, where did you get this hair, with the knit hat? It looks great!
  4. Hmm, I'm not finding them in search... do you have a SLURL?
  5. I haven't been there recently, but I'll check them out. I don't usually search on the Marketplace much, because it's so annoying to have to sort through all the search results that have nothing to do with my search terms, but I'll check there as well!
  6. I recently saw the trailer for a new Pixar movie called Brave, and I fell in love with the main character's hair-- here's a link to a good pic: Merida Does anyone make hair that's close to this? I buy a lot of hair, but the closest I've found so far is an older style I have called TossMeAround, made by DBS Heart. Here's a pic: It has the same 'wild,' full and curly feel, but I'm really looking for that same vivid orange-red color and symmetrical style-- that is, flowing down over the shoulders on both sides, rather than just one. Does anyone have any suggestions for places I might look for hair like this? (I've already checked my favorite spot, Analog Dog-- no luck.) Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
  7. I feel kind of stupid for asking, because these sims were probably closed a long time ago and I just didn't know.... but for awhile now I've been either too busy in RL to log in or preoccupied with other things in SL, so I haven't visited my favorite places much. I really liked these sims, the old falling-down houses and the huge, creepy abandoned school were just amazing. The school was one of my favorite places-- perfect for pictures and exploring. I was searching for the sims today and neither one appears in search anymore. I recall Outy Banjo built them-- were they closed, and if so, does anybody recall when? (I know, I could IM him and ask, but I'm reluctant to do that, just in case he's already answered the same questions a dozen times.) I know that change is the only reliable thing in SL, but I still hate seeing builds like that disappear. I have a special fondness for old abandoned places, and the school was one of the best. The sims just had an overall feeling of space and aloneness and age.... like the place was abandoned decades ago. It always made me wonder what the story behind them was, and where the people went. :D Anyway, I'd appreciate any information anybody has... thanks!
  8. Thanks, that'd be awesome! (I couldn't remember where I posted this, or I would have replied sooner!)
  9. I used to have a copy of this thing in a collection of freebies, but I can't find it anymore, so I think I deleted it. It's a large plant, very simple, it looks like a bunch of tentacles coming out of a pot. The plant is scripted so that the tentacles/leaves reach toward any passing avatar. I just want to take a look at that script, if it's free to use... does anybody recognize this description or have a copy? Thanks in advance!
  10. I can't say whether it actually *is* from that seller, but I think the store name you mean is Tukinowaguma.
  11. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Beautiful, exotic and tempting. I love it. Aw, thanks! There've been so many gorgeous pics in this thread already, I'm eager to see more.
  12. Thanks so much! The grey skin is from Mynerva, one of my favorite skin shops.
  13. I don't post much, but I felt compelled to add to this thread... I'm not sure this outfit is eerie exactly, but it is kind of strange. I just got this new hair from Zion, and built the look around it. The skin actually is grey, the photo isn't retouched at all.
  14. All the recent styles at Ploom have this option, also.
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