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Carbon Philter

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Posts posted by Carbon Philter

  1. Anyone out there got a copy of the basic Readme notecard from the no longer supported VICE combat system? I think I've got everything else from the ver 1.2 pack, which I believe was the last release, but I'm trying to understand the unit/weapon abbreviations and features and that is apparently on the missing notecard.

    Thanks for any info that can be made available.


  2. So the global variable gCapnsName doesn't change even though it's created using the variable captain changes depending on the value reported by llAvatarOnSitTarget?

    I thought that each iteration of the script which threw up a new value for 'captain' would feed through everything else defined from that value. I guess I haven't quite got the reasoning as to how global variables remain persistent even though they're created from changeable values.

    I don't quite understand scripting. :(

    Anyhow, it works a treat. Now on to the next glitch!

    Many thanks once again, Rolig.


  3. I'm not sure if the terminology in the title is correct for my problem. Hopefully, someone can help - I just can't see the solution, though there's bound to be one.

    As part of my vehicle controls, using the CHANGED LINK event, I have identified the avatar in control which allows me to report using llSay( 0, llKey2Name(captain) + " has taken command") in the vehicle set-up process.

    I want to make another llSay statement on the same lines that "...... has relinquished command" when the avatar stands up, but I can't see how to make the key of the avatar survive after standing up as the CHANGED LINK event will return captain as 00000000-0000-0000-000000000000 which stops me using the llKey2Name function again.

    My impersonal solution at present is to simply anonymise the stand-up statement as shown below, but if there's a way to retain the key I'd very much appreciate assistance.

    Thanks in anticipation.



            if (c & CHANGED_LINK)
                captain = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
                if (checkAccess(captain))
                            llSay(0, llKey2Name(captain) + " has command");
                            sit = TRUE;
                            llSay(0,"Ready to sail");
                            llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "seated", "");
                    else if(captain == NULL_KEY)
                        llSay(0, "Captain has relinquished command");


  4. /Me looks really sheepish. Many thanks, Rolig - not being totally comfortable with scripting of any sort, I have to admit to getting confused between == and =. Among other things, that is.

    I thought I'd tried both alternatives but obviously not. I'm actually quite amazed at having got as far as I did before asking for help!


  5. I'm hoping someone can help my continuing struggles with scripting.
    I'm attempting to put together a vehicle controls script which also includes variable user options.
    The objective is to have the owner of the vehicle able to set the user level - Owner, Group, List, or Anyone, via a "Access" dialog menu using a touch_start event, and then, once the permitted category of user is seated, have a different "Controls" dialog menu come up for them to manage the vehicle and camera controls.
    With my limited mastery of scripting and LSL, I've muddled through and got to a stage where it looks as though the script will work as intended once I add in all the permissions/control details, but I seem to have hit a problem where the "Access" dialog box gets called up on the owner's screen when it's not the owner that does the touching. I'm hoping that there's something simple I'm missing but I can't see it, and would appreciate a steer in the right direction.

    No doubt I'll hit lots more problems, part‎icularly trying to incorporate both varying camera and seating/passenger positions, but that's for another day.

    Apologies if the way I've approached the project doesn't conform to the best of scripting principles, but it works in my head. :)
    Thanks for any help/advice.

    Script demonstrating the problem is as follows:

    list notecardsList;
    integer listener;
    integer mainMenuChannel;
    integer accessChannel;
    integer captainChannel;
    integer passengerChannel;
    integer notecardLine;
    integer sit;
    float TIMER_DELAY = 0.1;
    vector SitBridge = <0.50, 0.0, 0.50>;
    key query;
    key captain;
    string access = "Owner";
    string ActiveAnim;
    string notecardName = "!access";
    list accessList;
    integer randomNumber()
        return (integer)(llFrand(99999.0))*-1;
    menu(key user,integer channel,string title,list buttons)
        listener = llListen(channel,"","","");
    accessMenu(key id)
        accessChannel = randomNumber();
        menu(id,accessChannel,"Access Level Menu " + "\n \n \n *Actual Access Level = " + access,["Anyone","Group","Close","Owner","List"]);
    captainMenu(key id)
        captainChannel = randomNumber();
        menu(id,captainChannel,"Ready to Sail",["Engine","Flags","Anims","Camera"]);
    //Returns true if find is on src
    integer isOnList(list src, list find)
         return (llListFindList(src,find) > -1);
    //The function that checks if the toucher has access to the menu
    integer checkAccess(key id)
        string name = llToLower(llKey2Name(id)); 
        return (id == llGetOwner()) || (llSameGroup(id) && (access == "Group")) || ( (isOnList(accessList,[name]) && (access == "List") ) || (access == "Anyone") );
            if (llGetInventoryType(notecardName) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
                //A notecard named "!access" has been found, lets configure tha acess list
                llOwnerSay("Configuring, please wait...");
                notecardLine = 0;
                query = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName,notecardLine);
                state ready;
        dataserver(key requested, string data)
            if (requested == query)
                if (data != EOF)
                    if ( (llGetSubString(data,0,0) != "#") && (data != "") ) //Ignore blank lines and lines starting with # (comments)
                        string name = llToLower(llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM)); //Get the lowercase name and remove white space at from beginning and end if there are
                         if (llGetFreeMemory() >= 1024) //Script memory check
                            accessList = (accessList = []) + accessList + [name];
                            llOwnerSay(name + " could not be added because the script is running out of memory");
                            state ready;
                    query = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName,notecardLine);
                    state ready;
        on_rez(integer n)
            if (llGetInventoryType("!config") == INVENTORY_TEXTURE)
                llOwnerSay("Configuring, please wait...");
                notecardLine = 0;
                query = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName,notecardLine);
                state ready;
    state ready
            llOwnerSay("--- Ready ---");
            llSitTarget(SitBridge, ZERO_ROTATION);
        changed (integer c)
            if (c & (CHANGED_INVENTORY | CHANGED_OWNER)) //assume that notecard was edited or owner changed so reload the script
            if (c & CHANGED_LINK)
                captain = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
                if (checkAccess(captain))
                            llSay(0,"Ready to sail");
                            llSay(0,"Sorry you don't have permission to sail");
                            llPushObject(captain, <0,0,50>, ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE);
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
            if (toucher = captain)
            else if (toucher = llGetOwner())
                llSay(0,"Sorry you don't have access to the access control menu, current access level: " + access);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if (channel == accessChannel)
                if (message == "Close")
                    llOwnerSay("Access set");
                access = message;
                llOwnerSay("Access Mode: " + message);
            else if(message =="Engine")
                llSay(0,"Engine command heard - do stuff");
            else if(message =="Flags")
                llSay(0,"Flags command heard - do stuff");
            else if(message =="Anims")
                llSay(0,"Anims command heard - do stuff");
            else if(message =="Camera")
                llSay(0,"Camera command heard - do stuff");


  6. An alternative to swapping RGB channels in a graphics prog would possibly be adjusting rotation of the sculpt object in Blender and making a new sculpt texture. Sculpties from scratch in Blender are way too hard - for me anyway - and if purchasing the current version Primstar/Blender solution is not possible for any reason, it is still possible to obtain the free version of JASS (pre-Primstar) which includes a legacy version of Blender (2.49) which it works with and which, once installed, you could use for simple remedial work such as you are looking to do. You can pick it up inworld at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jass/148/185/25

    The process would be to import the sculptie image of the chair into Blender 2.49, rotate its axes to whatever is needed to suit the anims - in Object mode; use the Object Clear/Apply menu to do a 'Apply Scale/Rotation to ObData'; rebake the Sculptie texture using 'Bake Sculpt Meshes' in the drop-down Render menu;, and Export that as a new Second Life sculptie LSL. The new image would then be uploaded to SL to create a new sculptie.

    Getting the correct axes rotation should just be a case of matching the required chair orientation with that of the chair you're lifting the scripts/anims from, but you would be best to try using local textures to generate trial versions to save upload costs.

    Maybe a roundabout way of doing it but, to me, doable.

  7. Hi again, scripting gurus.
    Is anyone an expert with the Dan Linden FollowCam settings and could help me?

    I've been trying all sorts of permutations with the variables for a while now and am beginning to think that what I want to achieve can't be done, but I'd be more than happy to be proved wrong.
    For a vehicle - ship - being driven, I can happily get any number of views tracking movement from behind, ranging from the worm view below to overhead, but I'm trying to get a sideview and also a rearview and haven't yet been able to achieve it, even with the rearview_cam parameters in the script from the Wiki
    Having looked at the way the spin cam works I'm coming round to thinking that the only way to get a continuous side/rear facing view would be to replace the 'for' statement with a timer and constantly updating the camera position by using llGetPos()  and adding the appropriate local offset and rotation to it. Here's the spin_cam parameters I was thinking of using as a starting point:

            CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, // 1 is active, 0 is inactive
            CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 180.0, // (0 to 180) degrees
            CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.5, // (0 to 3) seconds
            //CAMERA_DISTANCE, 10.0, // ( 0.5 to 10) meters
            //CAMERA_FOCUS, <0.0,0.0,5.0>, // region relative position
            CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.05 , // (0 to 3) seconds
            CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters
            CAMERA_PITCH, 30.0, // (-45 to 80) degrees
            //CAMERA_POSITION, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, // region relative position
            CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds
            CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters
            CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <0.0,0.0,0.0> // <-10,-10,-10> to <10,10,10> meters
        float i;
        vector camera_position;
        for (i=0; i< 2*TWO_PI; i+=.0125)
            camera_position = llGetPos() + <0.0, 14.0, 0.0> * llEuler2Rot(<0.0, 0.0, i>);
            llSetCameraParams([CAMERA_POSITION, camera_position]);

    Am I missing something fundamental or are my attempts to achieve these other views doomed to failure and I will have to simply resort to overriding the normal camera view using Ctrl/Alt/LMB?


  8. Many thanks, Dora. Got it in one!

    I was continuing tests and set up another rig but did it the 'old fashioned way' using llMessageLinked and then used that to set the child's local rot. Maybe not the tidiest of script solutions but got that way to work!

    vector input;integer switch;default{    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id)    {    if(msg = "rotate")    {        switch = !switch;        if (switch==TRUE)        {            input = <0, -PI/2, 0> ;}            else if (switch==FALSE)        {            input = <0, PI/2, 0> ;        }        llSetLocalRot( llEuler2Rot(input));    }}

     Guess it's a combination of the rotation function and using the LinkPrimParametersFast function I need to get my head round. Maybe overcomplicating things through ignorance. :matte-motes-dont-cry:

    Thanks again.


  9. I'm still trying to master rotations and thought I had it nailed but yet again find I'm missing something, and would appreciate assistance.

    I want to have a child prim emitting particles in the xy plane relative to a vehicle's root prim which has no variation in its z axis - boat and propeller wake - but need to have the option to rotate the wake emitter to face either directly forward or backwards. Hope that makes sense!

    I knocked up a test rig and put a toggle script in the child prim to check it out and it almost works. The emitter prim rotates forward/backward as required, whatever the root prim's horizontal direction , but with the script as written the child emitter prim is rotating around it's own z axis as the root prim faces different directions in the xy plane, and that skews the angle emission of the particles, and I need to avoid that.

    here's the almost working tester:

    integer switch;
    vector input;
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            switch = !switch;
            rotation quat = llEuler2Rot(input);
            if (switch==TRUE)
                input = <0, 3*PI/2, 0> ;
            else if (switch==FALSE)
            input = <0, PI/2, 0> ;
            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llGetLocalRot()*quat]);

     It's got to be something straightforward in the relationship between the local rotations of the root and child but so far I can't grasp it. Help!!




  10. Hi all. Need some advice on problem being experienced,please.

    I've constructed a mesh hull and am test texturing it on the Beta grid. On one side the texture is applied correctly and I've used the Bumpiness setting on Brightness to give some additional depth.



    The other side of the hullaccepts the texture no problem, but when I apply the Bumpiness setting I lose all the colour as following pics show.





    However, if I use Darkness rather tha Brightness, it displays the colour.



    Can anyone advise - is this standard behaviour because it's all one mesh even though it's different texture faces?

    Alternatively, could it be down to my graphics card? - never had any probs in the past and get decent performance despite having one of the dreaded AMD cards. Or could it maybe even be down to being on the beta grid?

    I know I can just use the basic image on both sides without the bumpiness setting but it just gives that added depth to the texture if I could use it.

    Any advice welcomed.



  11. OK. Many thanks for help, Drongle. There's still a lot of edit options in Blender I haven't used before - that refinement to the delete function being one of them!

  12. Trying to get my head round mesh LOD to lower Land Impact and have run into a difficulty and I would appreciate some advice.

    I constructed a mesh, allocated materials to different faces, and then used the Decimate modifier in Blender to generate further models for the lower LOD slots in the upload dialog. High and Medium load ok but with Low I get a report that 'Levels of Detail have a different number of texturable faces' and can't go any further.

    Other than being a bit less brutal in the degree of decimation used, which may not result in achieving suitably reduced LI, what if any is the best solution - do I edit each model in Blender and reallocate materials to faces to maintain same number? If so, is there an easy way to do it or is there any other solution to reducing the poly count neatly?

    Thanks for any advice.


  13. Curses on my bad cut,copy, and paste!! For completeness if not sophiticated scripting, the working version is as follows:

    // Day-night check action script// Performs different actions when it becomes light or dark, checking// every minute.// Ordinal Malaprop// 2006-06-20integer daytime(){   vector sun = llGetSunDirection();   return (sun.z >= 0.0);}default{   state_entry()   {       llSetTimerEvent(60.0);      if (!daytime()) state night;      llSetPrimitiveParams([      PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "650eec6c-7c9c-cf06-2654-5de23057666f",     <1,1,1>,<0,0,0>,0]);      // insert things to be done in the night e.g.      llOwnerSay("Texture 2");   }   timer()   {      if (!daytime()) state night;   }   on_rez(integer p)   {      llResetScript();   }}state night{   state_entry()   {      llSetPrimitiveParams([      PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "f0805741-f3ce-1ff7-b8f5-ee49f17ac478",     <1,1,1>,<0,0,0>,0]);      // insert things to be done in the night e.g.      llOwnerSay("Texture 1");   }   timer()   {      if (daytime()) state default;   }   on_rez(integer p)   {      llResetScript();   }}


  14. Thx Rolig.

    I will some day get round to efficiency measures in my script inventory. Your suggestions will help to bring that day forward, but in my defense, for now I just felt I could offer some help to a novice needing something to start out on the scripting learning curve - not that I'm too much further up the curve myself!



  15. Try this. I adapted it from one I modded to use for boat's running lights depending on day or night. You can change the texture UUIDs and face options to whatever you need.


    // Day-night check action script// Performs different actions when it becomes light or dark, checking// every minute.// Ordinal Malaprop// 2006-06-20integer daytime(){   vector sun = llGetSunDirection();   return (sun.z >= 0.0);}default{   state_entry()   {       llSetPrimitiveParams([      PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "650eec6c-7c9c-cf06-2654-5de23057666f",     <1,1,1>,<0,0,0>,0]);      // insert things to be done in the night e.g.      llOwnerSay("Texture 2");   }   timer()   {      if (!daytime()) state night;   }   on_rez(integer p)   {      llResetScript();   }}state night{   state_entry()   {      llSetPrimitiveParams([      PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "f0805741-f3ce-1ff7-b8f5-ee49f17ac478",     <1,1,1>,<0,0,0>,0]);      // insert things to be done in the night e.g.      llOwnerSay("Texture 1");   }   timer()   {      if (daytime()) state default;   }   on_rez(integer p)   {      llResetScript();   }}



  16. I'm having precisely same problem but without changing password. In the upload menu the options for image, animation, and sound are greyed out and the mesh isn't working with the report you got.

    Guess we just have to tough it out.

  17. For sailing, you can't do much better than starting with the free BWind script made available by its creator Becca Moulliez. It's an excellent stand alone straight out of the box, and which, as you develop scripting skills, can be tweaked and refined. It's available from a vendor at Tradewinds Yacht Club in Dex.

    I can't recommend anything on helicopters.

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