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Kirsten Garnet

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  1. I was wondering if anyone know where to get a good boat script as well as a good Helicopter script. I have seen many but most of the once you can get hold of as in buying, are by far not as good as the once I see in boats you can buy. The same goes for the helicopter script. Its so hard to find a good one. I do not script myself - still just a dream to be able to do so :-) Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
  2. I was wondering there has been so much talk lately about privacy settings etc. in SL. The one I heard about most recent was the removal of Online Scanners on any avatar in SL. No matter if they are on your friendslist or not. To me it still seem to work fine - how long will it be before this feature with these tools is taken away from SL?
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