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Lakhesis Nikolaidis

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Everything posted by Lakhesis Nikolaidis

  1. Looking for DJs to play Psy Core/GOA/Trance music at my new rave club. 100% of tips. When I built this club it was my intent to keep it from being a static dance floor, but to make the whole place enjoyable to dance in, and fluid. I hope you find it to your liking and would like to come play. All hours/shifts welcome. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cisseps/171/26/2354 
  2. Sure sounds perfect! Did your avatar pieces you linked come with any shadow maps or anything you can send me?
  3. I'm glad you like my work! Thanks!! To be perfectly honest I've never rdone custom mod work for someone before, so if you are okay with paying me whatever you think is fair, that works fine for me!
  4. Hey I can help you with this. It will be fun. I do a lot of texture work, but this will be the second time I've modded the texture work on an avatar. Do you need scales and that kind of thing? Here's a few small samples: http://imgur.com/a/axKAR
  5. Thank you for this tutorial. It really helped me grasp what I needed to know Blender and my animations are already much better than they used to be, before I started using Blender last week.
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