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Voo Oompa

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Posts posted by Voo Oompa

  1. On that subject (sorta), I was walking around SL in a female shape for about a full day, completely unawares. :matte-motes-stress:

    I was looking through my inventory and wondering why there were so many female items in there. I guess that I must have clicked something wrong in the process.  :matte-motes-bashful:

    --le voo

  2. I can't seem to make this happen. :(

    Pretty sure I followed Suella's original instructions to the letter -- most especially Pro Tip 1, since le voo (like an idiot) had originally selected one of the stock themes.  :/

    Now, once I save, the preview shows the chosen background image, but the actual badge in the Forum is just blank.

    Anyone?  :(

    --le voo

    EDIT: never mind. Le voo forgot to check sumpin before saving. *le eyeroll* 9_9

  3. Yeps, ish work all rightee.

    FWIW, you're most welcome to ping le voo for some convo sometime. As I've said elsewhere, my schedule is weird but I'm trying to be more available. Gotta put myself out there if I wanna attract new voo pals, yesh?

    (you so totally know it's true)  :D

    *offers you a cup of coffeh anna donut*  c[_]

  4. Nice to meet you  ^__^  I don't care much for voice either; I usually have it muted.

    Most of the time I RP as a wandering monk. It just suits me. I like to travel and meet people and see wonderful places, but I don't really care about owning stuff.

    My schedule varies a lot, but I'll look for you online if you wish. Best wishes  :)

    *offers you a pink frosty donut*

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