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Rednight Hand

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Everything posted by Rednight Hand

  1. 16 years a user going on 17, there's more than likely other sites that do the same or just keep the data to themselves. At least this one is showing more of it and filling the gaps in that never were filled before. Did the interest thing ever work? No, so how would I find out people that have a similar liking to something I like other than looking at whoever's profile or joining a group that's probably dead cause no one ever responds in it.
  2. And who's to say if the BB's are the only ones doing it, there's tons of bots out there, tons of listening scripts out there that can do more and yet no one complains about them or whatever places they're holding whatever data. I agreed to enjoy myself on SL without a care what comes with it, if people know whatever info from me then ask. if I decide to say it that's my own fault for exposing it.
  3. Na, Neither man nor woman, I am just me. Do I care if they got data where I'm going who whom I'm hanging with? Nope Agreed to this the day I joined and agreed to the TOS. otherwise why would I be still be on SL all these years.
  4. How am I exaggerating? that's all the posts that have been rounding to just complaining about bots then going to jobs being taken over by bots in SL. I've been around long enough to see tons of crap in SL and in the forums that its not even worth my time to complain other than just enjoy myself. Yeah I've seen the BBs here and there when visiting places, hanging with friends or whatever. Do I care, no. Do I care what they see me on with or with whom, No. I'm enough of an adult to know I agreed to whatever SL experience I get since the day I joined it and to this day I'll continue enjoying being an adult on there without a care who's spying or whatever.
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