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Eloise Baily

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Posts posted by Eloise Baily

  1. Verena Vuckovic wrote:

    "I like those who say they hide their groups."


    It's another of those brainless things like people who hide their online status and then imagine they have 'privacy' as they wander around sims in full public view of everyone.




    I think you just called me brainless.

    I can wander wherever I want, whenever I want. If you see me then meh, so what. It's no biggie. 

    I think there is more to your issue with this than meets the eye. 

  2. Yeah Ariel...computer says no. :(

    Rodvik asked the question, took feedback, responded, went quiet for a while and then said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "we love that you love first and last names and that the comments here reflect that overwhelmingly, but we're just gonna go ahead and ignore you. We're not bringing them back. Oh, and BTW..I'm locking this thread before the bottles hit  the wire."

    At least, I think that's what he said. Feel free to correct me.

  3. I hide mine. I deleted all my Lotus bits 2 years ago.  :))

    Thing is, if I want some "me" time, I don't want to have to unclick a load of stuff to do that. Apart from online status, which is usually on, my default is off, same as the privacy settings on any other piece of software I use. I don't broadcast myself generally. I treat SL the same way.


  4. Reasons I untick:

    1) I'm only gonna moan in your ear for an hour or so.

    2) I've been around people all day and I don't want to speak. Not even with my fingers.

    3) I'm decorating and half in MP and half SIM-hopping.

    4) I don't want to chitchat only to get invited to my friend's host, DJ, fashion Show event. There are groups for that kinda thing.

    5) I'm building. Busy is not an option when you're building.

    6) I'm deep in IM with someone who needs me. They trump you, anytime.

    7) I'm on my own land, listening to my choice of music while bobbing around doing something else RL. Kinda like El on Television.

    8) I vunt, to be, alone!


    How I check if my friends are online:

    1) I open up the contacts box and see who is highlighted. I talk to the highlighted ones, if I have something to say.


    Who cares if they're online. A friend is a friend. 

  5. It was me who called it BS on your first post. It still is.

    Me = astronomer.

    you = I have no idea.

    It was Equinox a few days ago. Happens every year. Twice. I did point this out to you last time as well. I believe this is what you mean when you say that the Earth is crossing the solar plane.

    You are fully entitled to believe what you want Lucinda but you are wrong.

    As for CIA psyops? Wuh? I'm not even Murrikan.


  6. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Find it yourself, I no longer have any time for you, I really don't care if you listen or not.




    I'm sorry you feel that way Lucinda. I can't find it because it doesn't exist.

    I'm only responding to you to ask others to question what you are saying. I'll stop now. :)

  7. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    The Russian talk of one in the ort cloud, they say that it could be dislodging comets, but they say it is getting closer, there was a huge explosion on Jupiter a few months back, but the Russians have plotted it and say it could come as close to us as Jupiter




    Show me the explosion on Jupiter. Jupiter is watched worldwide by people in their millions. If you can show me that I might listen.

  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    it is not a error can still be seen in google sky today.

    Sure, and according to Google Earth, there's been a UPS truck in my driveway 24/7 since 2009, leading friends to think that my swooning over men in brown shorts wasn't just funnin' after all.

    HA! :D

  9. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    Did I say a comet, no I didn't you added those words, I think I said brown dwarf and did I say it was close, no, I said it may have entered our system, now the Russians agree, now investigate it and stop making out its that silly comet.


    LOL it can be seen, i even showed you a picture, the russians have many more pictures

    My apologies. I was using comet Elenin as an example. I should have said so.

    A brown dwarf entering our solar system in 2012 would already have had enough pull to suck at least some of Jupiter up. I see no evidence of this. The proof I ask for is the effect on the solar system, from NASA or ESA. You can take this data from one of their thousands of data sets of the solar system...daily...and you can check and follow a lot of these yourself if you want to. Or you can believe we'll die in 2012 and I'll have all your copy/trans and full perm stuffz. p


  10. I'm going to start by admitting that I haven't read this thread yet, but so far I've only tried mesh clothing and so far I'm disappointed.

    I'm proud of my shape. I made it and I like it. It's never considered weird in any way by anyone I meet and yet mesh shoulders refuse to fit me unless I grow ginormous boobs and make my arms into something I'd use to light the fire. I'm not prepared to do that.

    I love the idea though and I can't wait to see it develop. My broader mesh eye is roaming but I'm a "Serf" (Gah! I hate that!) apparently from 2009 and I'm struggling to keep up with limited free time. SL has been invaluable in teaching me new software and graphics skills. Please  remember in your quest for mesh to bring the newbies up behind you like my first friends did for me. There will be no SL without future generations. 



  11. Lucinda I would drop this, but I am an astronomer. I'm sorry but this isn't true. Comet Elenin whipped harmlessly (and very prettily) round the planet. You should Google the images, they're pretty. That was apparently going to destroy the Earth and it didn't. Whatever that is in your picture, please source it, because it's not a image I recognise as something to be analysed. 

    In the highly unlikely event that we do get destroyed by an asteroid in 2012 it will be a coincidence and one that we didn't see coming. If you think we SHOULD have seen it coming? You try it. :)

  12. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    it is not a error can still be seen in google sky today, on the 21st dec the earth is highest up, that is what i said and relative to that it does get nearer(Z axis) by going down, the equanox is the crossing of the plane realtive to the sun hence day and night being the same, i am talking of the z axis, not the x and y as you are refering to. the z axis goes from 1.0 to 0.0 then to -1.0

    I get what you're suggesting but it's not right. The Equinox is not the crossing of the plane, it's the point in the Earth's orbit around the sun. We do dip up and down on the solar plane, but we do that all the time. Speed up the Sun and it wobbles but it's still alright.

    I suggest you watch this :)

  13. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:


    5. The 21st of dec 2012, is the winter solstice, that means that the earth stops moving up and away from the sun and starts to move down and towards the sun, hence the longest night, only a change in the solar system center of gravity will have an affect, as it will in march when the earth crosses the solar plane, on the summer solstice, when the earth is furthest down and starts to go up and in September as it crosses the solar plane again, so we would see affects at or around these times depending on were the moon was, we are near a crossing of the plane, on march the 21st, so if any thing is likely to happen on the 21st, then we should see big earthquakes around that date.

    The picture above, is real and it has entered our solar system, its mass is huge, that could affect all the planets and their position and angle, any shift in that will result in earthquakes.



    Errmmm. Lucinda, we are nearer the sun in Winter than we are in Summer. We're just tilted away at 23.5 degrees so the light is only skimming us instead of beaming directly down on us. Shine a torch on a table then tilt it and observe the beam. That's the seasons. The longest night is caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis. In the Southern Hemisphere December 21st is the longest day:) True, Equinox (it means equal night), is in September, when the whole world sees 12 hours each of daylight and darkness. This happens every year in March and September. The image in a CCD camera artefact. When CCD cells get full they bleed over. It looks like that to me.

    p.s. If you want to get scared about something, Google "Apophis 2027" :)

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