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Eloise Baily

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Posts posted by Eloise Baily

  1. Errrm Randall, this was nothing to do with politics.

    Someone mentioned someone political and I answered, but if you read my OP I am not asking for that, nor do I deserve your response.

    May I politely suggest that it is you who needs to go elsewhere, since this thread is clearly not to your taste. Thank you.

  2. My best ever Linden home was a Meadowbrook quad overlooking a massive estuary.

    I'm currently in a Tahoe one overlooking a really nice river and I'm staying. I like having 117 prims to play with. Land doesn't give you that and the average low prim home takes up at least 40 prims.

    Added to that, you have no ugly screens or weapons shops springing up around you. I think they are underrated. You just have to shop around and you can abandon them 5 times a day without losing anything.

    I have abandoned land twice to my own cost, but I can abandon a Linden home and have another in 5 minutes.

  3. Hi,

    I'll try to explain this easily

    premium = Linden Home (117 prims + a house+ no ugly stuff nearby+300L a week)


    premium = Your own 512sqm of mainland which you BUY but pay NO TIER for, but your home eats into you 117 prim allowance.

    If you have a piece of land that is 1024sqm you pay extra.

    You also  pay extra if you own a Linden home AND land.

    You also owe money if you deed your land allowance to a group, then own land yourself.

    Seriously hun, if you don't get it by now then you need to read through this again :)



  4. @ Gypsy. I quite agree. Be who you want to be. There's room enough for all of us.

    @ Ishtara, I disagree with you entirely and I still can't see why you wouldn't be able to just turn your back.

    @ Void, so what is someone turns up with a face made of cheese. Who are you to be designated as their art critic? Art is a subjective thing and theirs may not be yours. I get that you have been around a long time but I don't see that that is relevant to most discussions here.


  5. Yeah I hear you Dres. My old laptop could cope but SL killed it. I still miss it too, but after a while, and an insurance claim,  I built this desktop specifically for Sl, though ironically I hardly use it for that anymore.

    The best thing about being a noob was meeting the first other noob who knew how to build and who was still excited about it enough to teach me. Thank you Dino. You rule!

  6. I came back from a festival this weekend where I saw Athlete.

    I also went to Frankenstein's Wedding Live in Leeds a way back and this weekend reminded me what a good singer the lead actor, Andrew Gower was. Here's what reminded me...

    and here's what made it fact in my eyes:


    I personally think he's wasted and I would merrily buy his records.

    Have you ever been surprised by someone "famous" or not and thought, hang on. They're in the wrong job!

    p.s. here's what made it personal. I was one of these dancers :)


  7. Oh sod that. I smoke because I like smoking. 

    I also gave up, for 14 months. It took me another 14 months to lose the weight and mine was a gut thing too. I walked past some kids and asked them if they had a spare one. No reason for it whatsoever.

    Smoking has (possibly) done its worse for me already and frankly, I'm gonna die of something so sod it! In the very short amount of time that each of us are alive I'm going to do what I like in the precious few hours of each day that are actually allocated to life outside of drudgery, and I'm going to be a human being. That probably involves doing stuff that others don't like, but you know what? I don't turn up to lapdancing clubs or creches and heckle so don't do the same to me when I'm smoking in the beer garden on the 1.4 sunny days we get per year in the UK. Join me in February in the driving sleet and sub zero temperatures and then we'll talk!

    [/rant off]



  8. I remember being RL panicky on my first day because I'd actually TPed out of the welcome area without even knowing I was, and I was hopelessly confused and almost RL tearful. Idiot!

    air hostess.png

    Anyway, some angel helped me. She took me to the freebie places and made me into THIS!...and I loved her for it.

    I wish to this day I'd have understood enough to friend her, or at least remember her name.

    It all went downhill after that though. I found a freebie sex place and camped there. Sometimes I'd shock the doodahs outta the people who leapt on me by responding to them lol.

    I met a couple of friends there though that I still love to this day. Not carnally mind. Have you tried washing whites?


  9. From the Wiki, and I've heard this elsewhere too...


     In 1808, Humphry Davy identified the existence of a metal base of alum, which he at first termed alumium and later aluminum (see etymology section, below).


    Sorry guys, looks like us Brits are wrong on this one. I believe we changed the pronunciation and spelling so that it would fit better with other elements.

    I'm happy to be proved wrong, but it's 0-1 to the US on this one.

    Of course, I could care less, which is why I posted this. ;)

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