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Piraiyah Novikov

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Posts posted by Piraiyah Novikov

  1. I know your pain. :D

    As a full-perm sculpty seller I often receive bad reviews because I only delivered "rainbow textures", or, despite having a big fat "1 PRIM" text on both the product image, the product info AND description text, customers expected the sculpty to come in several parts. Or the time I got a 1-star review because the product apparantly wasn't suitable for furries.

    There's a lot of unfair ignorant reviewing that isn't objective nor reasonable, and most of the times it would have been avoided if they read the description. Sometimes you just feel that you're on the receiving end of their need to take a dump on somebody on a bad day.

    Sometimes I contact the buyer and try to have them change their review by spending lots of time editing the product so it fits their expectations, and sometimes I just remove the product if it gets too ugly and I realize I can't have a comprehendable discussion with the buyer.

    A lot of merchants, especially some that comes from less privileged parts of the world, actually depend on the marketplace income. A little less cool/bad attitude and a little more constructive criticism wouldn't hurt anyone. =)

    A big thanks to all customers who contact inworld instead of retreating to unfair reviews. You are the best! =)

  2. Thanks, but this was a question of what is going on with marketplace, not what to do about failed deliveries. =)

    I never had so many failed transactions before, but I guess it has something to do with the DD implementation not being stable yet. I was just curious if others had the same problem.

  3. Same here! I only visited the forums because I have had the exact same problem the last two days.

    I have bought around 10-15 things as gifts to an alt mainly, and only received 1 of them. I think I have been refunded for everything but it is still highly annoying.

    I was wondering what was going on.


    I've made a few shelves sculpties by now, but for each little part of the shelf I need to spend so many vertices (stacking them so the corners doesn't get rounded). Is that the only way to do it or is there any tools similar to "soften/harden edges" for nurbs?

    Some people are able to make ridiculously many parts in their sculpties so I guess my workflow is flawed. =) What is a good setup and the best tools to achieve this?

    I'll cry if you tell me that I have to use blender.


  5. Hi!

    I'd like a product recommendation.

    I run a city where I rent out apartments in tall buildings, but I've had lots of problems finding the right kind of teleporters I want.

    Each building has it's own ground entrance and a number of apartments on top, and I want a teleport system where the tenants can control who can go up and down to their specific apartment, but all of them connected to the same ground floor teleport.

    Each building must also be on its own channel (obviously). And we're short on prims, so preferably 1-2 prims for each teleport.

    Hippo technologies has a system which can be connected to the rental boxes, which is great, and let the tenants control the access list of the teleporters, but each teleporter is 3 prims each which gets a little much after an x number of apartments, as well as next/prev-buttons which I don't need. I'd much more prefer a menu controlled teleporter.

    I've bought so many teleport systems now, so I decided to just ask here instead. =)

    Thanks for any tips!

    (And if you happen to be a scripter I'd be willing to pay a lot for a working system!)

  6. Ouuuch what an evil clever trick to pull on someone. Seriously, what a **bleep**.

    I flagged a review once, nothing ever happened, it is still there. In this case the reviewer was so new to SL that he/she didn't understand the concept of boxed products, and wrote something about my product was a scam, "just a box on the left hand". -_-

    Unless you already have a lot of good reviews, I guess i would be faster to just re-list them to get rid of the ugly reviews.


  7. I also wish there was a "friendly reminder" where the customer is reminded to give a relevant and fair review on your products, although I suppose this goes into the "wishful thinking" category.

    I have been getting bashed in reviews by customers because of all sorts of irrelevant reasons:

    • For my choice of permissions.
    • For not making all my products suitable for furries.
    • Because I have removed products.
    • Because I have upgraded products and the customer preferred my old ones.
    • Because the customer is new to SL and doesn't understand how boxed products work..

    ... and each and every time this happens I really get sad because none of the customers even bothered contacting me, when I would happily help them, give them a custom version etc.

    Maybe, but might be a bad idea, you could add an overall merchant rating where these kind of complants would be more in place, because sometimes the customer has liked the product in question, but given a bad review for an entirely other reason. Or add more kind of ratings in the review itself, including merchant service feedback, which would also remind the customer to actually contact you before complaining.

    Communication solves a lot of problems after all.

    Sorry about the long rant. :robotsad:


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