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Eva Tiramisu

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Posts posted by Eva Tiramisu

  1. I am pretty sure I used to know you. You used to come to Everland to play Boogie didnt you? I am almost sure that is you. I am happy to play a few games or explore with you, or even just talk about the good old days. 

     However, I cant log back in till I am back home in May (the connection and the computer where I am now would just keep crashing), but if you want to play again before that, Maggie is still around. Sofia, I can ask to come online (or just send her an IM) and Meta sometimes logs in to play a few games by himself. 

    I can respond to offlines, so feel free to send me one :) And welcome back!


    Edit: typo

  2. So you will let them waste time and troubleshoot and try to find the error before you reply to them that it was a mistake? If I was a vendor that had sent (or had someone have claimed i had sent) an empty folder, I would checked the scripts (if any), logged on an alt to check, make 5-10 friends buy it and refund them, both for the time and the money spent - to check where it could have gone wrong. I would have spent a few thousand lindens and a few hours before I even responded to make sure the error wasnt on my side. And I would have done so before responding to you (but of course respond within a day or two). I know many merchants are as scared to make mistakes as I am, and if done, desperate to fix them and find the error. I think the nice thing to do was to actually IM them and let them know it was a displayerror on your part and that you got the items. Or you could be wasting hours of their time because you dont know how to seach or clear cache. All for 9L. Thats just kind of rude.

  3. It has always been around 7 days to cash out, so nothing has changed there. I am thinking the reason you got it next day after they cleard you was because it was already queued while checked.  Now that your are cleared ok, you are back to normal proceedures, so back to waiting. 

  4. I just started a tread in the land forum about "general discussion" being a little confusing. And when I posted it was locked. I did link to a Jira. But will links get your tread banned? Can a mod open it again  for comments? If it was the link thing that closed it, loose the spaces in this link https :// jira .secondlife / browse / WEB-4745

    Its an itsy bitsy thing that annoys me on a daily basis.

  5. I am pretty sure the original poster means CHARGE. I am also pretty sure the original posters first language isn't English.

    So thank  you to those that read the intent and not the error.

    But I am dead sure the original poster needs to read up a a bit or be in SL a bit before he launches a business. You need to know what a prim is before you rent out. You need to get a feel of the community before you hire someone. You need to go to at least one event before you host one. (My comments only refer to your previous posts, I think its super that you are eager, but you should learn the alphabeth before you write a novel maybe?)

  6. What Phil says is correct, however I would like to add (this may not apply to you):  if you pay LL for anything (tier or membership), normally your card will be used to cover what you owe. If you sell lindens though, it will go from your accounts US balance before they charge your card. With all the fees etc there is from Paypal, it could pay of to leave some US balance on your account to cover future bills rather than cashing out. 

  7. Thank you for answering.

    I have looked at the marketplace , but I only see what I call "sliced sculpts" there, or full perm, but not maps. This is where I found the bamboo and the snakeplant (which wasnt what I was looking for, but the closest i could find).

    I have gone trough seaches of sculpt maps, of plants (with all perms ticked), gardening, fern, papyrus, cheeseplant, office, home & garden, flowers, greenhouse, green house and a few others. I honestly think they are not there. It would be great if there was a seach I have forgotten to use and you proved me wrong :)


    Btw, just to clarify, by sliced plants i mean plants using this kind of sculptmaps; https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/1prim-Sculpted-Plant-Kit/827634 (the reason I picked thisone is that is a freebie, so its a steal, I dont want to put anyone down, but its not what I am looking for).

  8. I have for the last year been looking for sculpted green plants (full perm sculpt maps and textures or at least shademaps) to include in my builds for sale. I haven't been all that successfull. I have found a snakeplant and a bamboo that looks nice, but I am really looking for a fern, a cheeseplant or a papyrusplant, something green. I love the stuff at Artic Greenhouse, but sadly, they dont have this, that is the quality I am looking for though, not the "sliced sculpts" that many offers. Any ideas who to contact or where to look?

  9. You have donated 4608 in tier to a group you belong to, probably your landowners group. To not be charged for this you need to remove that donation.

    If the land you are renting is on an island, there is no reason for you to to donate tier via group and you can safely remove it.

    If the land you are renting is on mainland, it doesnt seem fair that you have to pay both tier and rent. But this you should discuss with your landlord.

    I hope this helps.

    Edited to add: You can read more here: https://support.secondlife.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=4417


    Message was edited by: Eva Tiramisu

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