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Count Burks

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Everything posted by Count Burks

  1. This island did sell. When you would like to have a beautiful island for your home or business IM Count Burks directly in world today. Also keep an eye on these forums for more land listings by Count Burks Estates in the near future. Count Burks Count Burks Estates - Excellent Land For A Modest Price http://www.countburks.com
  2. Dear Resident, Available for rent is a beautiful corner island located on a calm residential island. This parcel is 1/4th of a sim in size which is 16384 MΒ². The property is located on a fast Class 8 sim that has plenty of resources available. The island will provide you with a land impact capacity of 7500 prims to build. The surface of the terrain is 128 by 128 meters large in size. This particular property can be used as residential land. This island also comes with full terraforming permissions so that you can adjust the terrain of the island to match your environment for your home. You can IM Count Burks directly in world with all your questions that you might have and to speak about your specific requirements in terms of buildings and structures that you would like to place on your land. You can directly teleport to the island by clicking on the link below.ο»Ώ CLICK HERE TO TELEPORT Do not hesitate to IM Count Burks directly in world. You can also visit Count Burks on the Second Life Marketplace for more land listings. Count Burks Count Burks Estates - Excellent Land For A Modest Price https://www.countburks.com
  3. You are correct that your viewer is not cropping but resizing images. Since its latest release the 4:3 ratio remained respected but now that seems no longer to be the case. Now your viewer doesn't seem to support the 1:1 format out of the box. When I look to create a snapshot (and I am sure many people use this option to make a profile picture) I get presented with the following screen. Do you offer an option in there to create a 1:1 profile image? Yes if one would use the custom option but nothing with any of the normal options which can be selected. Most people just use current window, then download their image and upload it as their profile picture. Hence the reason many people have 4:3 scaled profile images. I used Viewer 1, then I used Singularity and because of a lack of updates I switched to Firestorm Viewer. All the time 4:3 profile images until your latest update. If Linden Lab has decided everyone needs square profile images fine. From the below image you can clearly see how the Firestorm Viewer is just flip flopping between both image styles and one image will always look distorted. Either you should properly support 4:3 like it used to be in earlier versions of your viewer or you can opt to make everything square 1:1. As for misinformation, no misinformation has been spread, unusual profile image behavior has been detected which has been clearly displayed in this thread. As the above image demonstrates Firestorm viewer is now effectively resizing images into 1:1 squares which were uploaded in a format similar to 4:3 as you can see with the above unconstrained image example. I didn't saw this as a bug but a design choice from Linden Lab. I invite you to look at plenty of profiles and you will come to the conclusion that the majority of users have now "resized" images in their profile (because of Linden Lab their UI designer). I am sure you understand why the current situation can lead to confusion.
  4. Since Second Life is supposedly a rich visual 3D experience, or so it claims to be. A place where people spend hours working on their avatar look and appearance and spend 100 USD to look good there should be more clarity in these things. What are we supposed to do now these days since Linden Lab continues to adjust, do we follow 2:1 on the right or square stamps like on the left? Why the different aspect ratios inside the same viewer? Also good luck getting all new users to start cropping their profile pictures into square stamps. Like I mentioned above, users just take a snapshot and upload it as their profile picture, that is why the "older system" was a better option in my opinion. For a lot of people this might just be a detail but I do not like watching distorted images. So again poor user interface design without thinking it through.
  5. Because I am a Firestorm Viewer user. The Firestorm viewer is the one who is doing the cropping for "me". Rowan Amore pointed out in this thread the cause of the difference in profile picture sizes so this is not a bug but a design choice. Textures that are 1:1 ratio like 512x512, 1024x1024 will show in profile as 1:1 ratio.Textures with 2:1 ratio like 1024x512 will show with 13:10 ratio (approximately). The fact remains that the user interface designers (most likely at Linden Lab) have decided to just squash people their profile pictures into a square (as a design choice) if the image doesn't meet the 2:1 ratio. Because of this you have now a huge amount of profiles with distorted images in them and tiny images like a post stamp. Going to add Anthony McGregor his profile as a good example of what is taking place: As a user Anthony McGregor takes a screen capture, uploads it as his profile picture but because of Linden Lab their UI designers the picture gets squashed together into a square stamp. The same with me and with millions of others. The following is a web picture of profiles as they have always been in the past: The system has always been using this format so that users can just take a screenshot in the viewer and upload this as their profile image. I really fail to see why some UI designers need to come up with square stamps now and distort user images.
  6. This is not a system bug but a design choice. If Linden Lab feels it is fantastic to halve people's user profile images and crop them into stamps there is no point in bug reporting this. When you think about it, it is rather weird. The entire globe figured out in the 90's that widescreen TV's and imagery provide a richer viewing experience and is more easy on the eyes. However the user interface designers at Linden Lab were thinking the opposite and decided to go old school style again and just crop everything into a nice square stamp.
  7. That would explain what I see. I still wonder if squashing together or cropping 70 million user account pictures is a great design choice. @Linden Lab
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