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Hurana Ugajin

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Posts posted by Hurana Ugajin

  1.      I would like to ask about The Constant throttling of Simulator Bandwtdth and Throttled Teleports and Issues such as reducing Physics capabilities have made a largeimpact on larger vehicles, especially those of  larger size and weight can not cross sim lines without having misteleports and complete Teleport Failures. What purpose does limiting Physics for a small amount of users that use vechicles in Protected Sims? It has made the Purpose of having the Regions practically unusable. 
    Physics changes have been hard on creators that use its values, and when those values go down, you kill builders creations and limit future creations.

    Can we not get our Bandwidth and Physics back to the way it was one year ago, when it was the most stable it had ever been in the history of second Life?

  2. Imagine what LL would do if the 5 biggest Estate owners had ALL of their sims turned off. thats a huge chunk of the grid. Things will be changing in other areas of SL first, starting with the removal of 1.23 viewer code, and its slated around !@#$%  yeah right like I can disclose that info without getting in trouble. lol


    Once a few other changes allow it, the current pricing will not be as bad as it was, though, how many people outside riches countries able to afford them? Simple they cant. SL is very, very discriminatory, and they admit that openly!

  3. You can always file an AR Abuse Report. I had that happen to me once, but was a much larger sum of 30,000L$.  Thankfully, I knew the manager and got a refund in 3 weeks, to see if the sims were going to be under new ownership...  a total of 30 sims... it never happened.


    Good Luck, best to only pay weekly, due to this event, if the manager will not allow, please explain your issue, and maybe work out something.

  4. There are also a couple quirks with the Mac Platform side of the house. I spoke with Amber on items such as voice morphing, the feedback from inworld residents was not pretty. One said I sounded like Mr. Rogers and the other said I sounded like An old Grandma , while using the Feminine voices.  Interesting to say the least.

    Also There was a fix for the Mac ATi graphics card fix, an issue that goes back several years. This was not released on the Alpha version either. If you have an ATi Radeon GFX Card, it will only read 50% of the Cards total value. i.e. 128mb reading as 64mb.  and so on. This is most apparent to the 2007-late 2008 crowd of Mac users.  Hardware skinning is also another issue. I was hoping Viewer 2 would have a little more support for us Mac folks.

    Torely, give it a try in world on the mac platform, you will see what I mean. Or hit me up next time you in world, and you can hear me. Something software wise cant be compatible..lol



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  5. I hate to, but Ihave to Agree here. I think they sold you one of their old point of sale computers from within the store. I would be asking questions to them on this shady practice.I may visit one today and see what they are up to.

    Granted Intel graphics chipsets are not that desireable, I do know my 2006 Macbook with an Intel GMA950 ran SL ok on low settings. It got me by and still runs it today. for a 32Mb card. I wasnt expecting much. And I could run Adobe CS4 on it too with very little latency. That would kill a Windows PC faster than a virus. But enough of the Apple to Oranges bit.

    If you have a PCI Express slot, I would EBay a graphics card for it. Be sure to ask questions to the seller. Heck, there could be someone here with an older card that will boost your performance at least somewhat.  I thought Compaq hasn't been sold in around 4-5 years since the HP buyout... or something like that.


    If you do ever plan on a new computer... best thign to do is test them yourself. dollar for dollar, BestBuy is the best place, as you can easily walk from Apple to PC. Dont rely on watching a movie.. thats not very graphic intense unless your in 1080p. Also, try opening a bunch of Applications like 7 or 8 or them, and then watch a movie, drag the movie screen around the monitor.. does its lag, repeat or cause any malfunctions...

    Remember, all computers can run one or two perfectly fine, but make it work, thats what Separates the Men from the Mice. Just be extremely thorough and ask questions... I hate seeing people getting used and misinformed.

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