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Talula Shippe

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Posts posted by Talula Shippe

  1. ...and I'm really not sure why.

    There doesn't seem to be consistency across the board.  Most of my store is shapes and poses, and have no trademarks that infringe on copyrighted material.  I looked over the policy page and I'm trying my damndest to figure out what the common thread is, with the ones taken down; but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

    Is there a contact at LL who can talk me through what happened, so that when I invest in uploading poses at least, I am not wasting my time?  If I'm doing something wrong in how they are marketed/captured for the ads, I want to fix that.  For instance, I have a wand pose set called "Immobulus" (might be a Universal/Harry Potter trademarked word?  I dunno!) that was removed yet my "Stupefy" pose set still remains listed.

    About 90% of my shapes didn't make the cut, with only three remaining listed.  Was it keywords that relate to Harry Potter or something that the consumers themselves can't even see? I checked and no, the remaining listings also have the same keywords. 

    So yeah, any advice would be appreciated.  With so many listings removed I'm going to have to rebuild the store.  But I want to make sure I do it right.

  2. If you are ringing in the new year inworld, I want to hear from you!  What are the hottest clubs and destinations for a New Years celebration?  Or are you keeping it quiet and private, hanging out with loved ones?  I have a lot of exciting things happening in 2022 and I want to ring it in properly!  So, give me suggestions! ❤️

    (Btw yes I am keeping an eye on the events forum but I would like to see which way the current is flowing, so to speak.)

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  3. I've been trying to make a 0L purchase on the marketplace tonight, and after several tries, I'm about to give up.  I tried on my new laptop, and on my phone, and neither will process the transaction.  I get to the cashier page and click to purchase, and get the spinning wheel for like, 5-10 minutes.  Eventually the transaction fails and I get this message:


    The hell is going on?  Am I the only one?

  4. Can someone explain to me the significance of the bodies being mod?  Like, what does that mean to people?  i imagine it means script removal which is helpful, but what else is there?  

  5. Hey all.

    I'm wondering if anyone knows a place online where I can download the mirror water windlight that comes in Firestorm.  I want to use it in Black Dragon and I went to Strawberry's blog to DL it but box.com is being stubborn and NOT downloading.  SO!  If anyone else is able to assist with pointing me towards the xml somewhere, please let me know (IM is quicker, but you can reply here too).  Thank you so much!

  6. Hi Asha!

    it was great reading a little about you.  I too am a huge Harry Potter fan and tend to spend a great deal of my time in second life role playing a fourteen year old hufflepuff.  It would be great to welcome you into the RP fold if that’s something that interests you.  But it’s not all I do:  I also enjoy playing board games, going to concerts, shopping to a fault, and taking photographs.  The friends I have in world also play some games outside of SL like Star Wars the Old Republic, jackbox, and phasmophobia.  We’re a bit irreverent yet easy going, and I for one am always happy to expand on meeting people!  If you’re interested in hanging, hit me up inworld.  My time zone is SLT+2 but I work nights so my hours are alllll over the place.  Hope to chat soon!

  7. Another shot for the challenge! 


    IDK if self promotion is allowed, but the pose is available as part of a set on the MP, in my store. :) Easy enough to find, if you're interested.

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