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Reynard Todd

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Everything posted by Reynard Todd

  1. I actually spent 3 months in the middle of last year dealing with this exact problem. All of a sudden I was getting line dropouts up to 20 times a day. I had techs out testing my sockets, running new cables direct from line in to router, replacing the splitter and basically ruling out any possible household issues before I could get the telco who owns the lines to finally do something. I eventually got them to replace the cabling for the whole length of my street which immediately fixed any line speed and stability, all was working just fine until SL stopped working in November. If it is an up-stream issue, I'm probably screwed. Given that everything else is working just fine, I can't imagine anyone's going to be willing to look further into it if all that won't run is one online game/program...
  2. It's very hard to accept it's an issue with my equipment though when the exact same issue occurs in multiple locations on different hardware, not that anything's impossible but that just doesn't sit logically with me. That plus the network ping spikes and times out only once it goes beyond my ISP's local network. Thanks for your advice though... I have to get a tech out soon to relocate my connection to the other end of the house so I guess I'll see what happens with that then...
  3. I have infact tried to connect on entirely different kit, I booted up SL on a friend's PC, with his router and cables at his home... the only commonality is the ISP... who is adamant no error occurs on their network. They insist it's SecondLife at fault, I am of course dubious of this but wish I had something more concrete to go back to them with.
  4. I only cleared the cache as a last resort, I am basically out of ideas. The router is only 2 years old and I've tried swapping out the ethernet cable to no avail...
  5. For the last few months, out of nowhere, without changing hardware nor client, SecondLife refuses to stay connected. I have been using the Singularity viewer but as their help forum isn't helping I decided to try out the official viewer again... only to experience the exact same issue. Within 10 to 20 seconds of logging in, all avatars freeze in place, yet the world continues to load and render normally, I am still able to communicate with other users... until around one minute when I am suddenly disconnected. Every now and then I will stay online (this is extremely rare), but if I teleport somewhere I'm almost certain to hit the same freeze/drop soon after. I have used SL for many years almost flawlessly but now I can't. No graphics settings make a difference, raising/lowering bandwidth doesn't help, I've flushed my cache, tried multiple accounts, clean reinstalls, alternate clients... nothing works. The only thing I can see is that the network shows very high ping spikes. Nothing else is being affected, infact i currently have the fastest and most stable internet connection I have ever had at this location, it is ONLY secondlife that doesn't work, and my ISP has said that after reading my traceroute logs the issue cannot possibly be on their end. For reference I'm on ADSL2, wired, on an MSI Z97 Gaming 7 mobo with a 4ghz i7 4790K, 16gb RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate and a Radeon R9 290X card. Please, can someone help me?
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