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Betty Jeffers

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Posts posted by Betty Jeffers

  1. Ummm... Well except for the 10 minute visits here in SL to talk to old friends left behind, I rarely if ever visit SL in 2011. When I decided I could not stand V2 I voted with my wheels and decamped to InWorldz and Avination. I think the mesh will further level the playing field between SL and it's descendants. Those of you who like the constant turmoil and glitchs the changes here bring can surf the big waves and enjoy the ride. Others of us who like being pioneers and being in worlds where our input is welcomed and implemented will settle in cozy and less stressful enviroments. In my 5 years in SL I can't recall being asked what I would like from LL. In the competing grids they are small enough I have had an owner come to me and call a developer in as well, spending an hour to help me sort a problem. I have come to regard SL as the "Old Country". The place I was born and emigrated from to the new worlds. And one more thing.. Since I started in SL there have been two times I have logged in and found that practicaly new and rather expensiive computers were not up to minium specs following upgrades. It's not practical to shell out a thousand or more every couple years because the Linden's boffins want to dazzle with some new thingummy that I didn't really want in the first place.

  2. Viewer 2 is the answer to a question no one asked. I think our best bet is to go to Imprudence or Phoenix's new viewer developments and let them know what functions we want. It seems to me that the TPV projects are more creative and responsive to customers. It is interesting personally that Imprudence now states they will be more directed to the open grid worlds.  I think SL will be the Atari of the 21st century. Make the market and then fade away.

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