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Lillyanne Cadell

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Everything posted by Lillyanne Cadell

  1. I was supposed to add an object that was my baby's birth certificate. Instead, I made a huge error by dragging a texture picture and now my whole wall is covered by this picture. It has taken over the wall and there is no way I can edit and either delete it or put back in my inventory. Do I have to literally take out a part of my house in order to get rid of it? I hope not. Thank you for any assistance you may provide.
  2. I have saved in my account different methods of payment. I originally had my methods of payment set to PayPal. A few weeks ago, I changed from PayPal to the CC saved. Now I would like to use my PayPal again and it will not let me do it. I click on the pencil and nothing happens.
  3. I've been contemplating the benefits of upgrading to a premium account. I would like to be able to see the different homes I can choose from, whether a standard model home or maybe a theme home. Can someone please direct me to the right location where I may see them and then advise me of the steps I need to take to make this happen? Thank you for your review of my question and I hope to hear from you soon. Lillyanne Cadell
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