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Decro Schmooz

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Posts posted by Decro Schmooz

  1. Having looked at the Project legacy Browser. The profile resembles the legacy (old) profile. Which looks exactly like the Firestorm Profile, with the exception that one of the tabs has been renamed 'Real' which is usually used for real life photo/info so far. Also photos seem to enlarge to their native resolution which is good too. I think starting with the legacy profile format is better than the modern profile (as it displays immediately more information on screen for the space it uses onscreen).

    I think a family tab would be useful for those of us that have them in RPG sims, as it can be quite difficult figuring out your nieces/nephews from your uncles/aunts and grandparents; sons/daughters, grandchildren.

    For group profiles, about with notifications/events must be first and foremost, as I initially had to be directed to the notifications section when I first joined a group, and the information there is invaluable for knowing actual group activities in advance which allows you to plan your time better, and therefore involve you more in group activities! Membership/who's who listings should be secondary. Actual whataboutery and functionality of groups should prioritise over who runs them in group profile listings. So that when you look at a group you know instantly whether they hold activities inworld or are just for chat only, both of which have their roles/uses.

    The use of small images alongside notifications is an easy/useful quick way of identifying events that peak your interest the most as well, and when you open up the event/notification, it would be good to display it like an actual inworld notification when viewing it for the sake of familiarity and thus ease of reading, rather than just a squishy, scrolly note.

    My opinions are based on what it is like to be in a group as a user. Perhaps others that run groups should also have their say, so long as their practicalities do not destroy the actual group users experiences of accessibility to their groups.

    A major bugbear is that the time of events should be displayed clearly in a separate line box at the bottom of notifications, rather than hidden in the middle of the notification text where you have to hunt around for it.

    ** Also it would be great if that time could be optionally displayed in real time to the user reading it from whichever country they are in so they can set the event to their own Real Life clock (i.e. display PDT or Actual time in Properties somewhere, where you have selected your timezone). Now THAT would be MAGNIFICENT and increase user interactions within groups immensely, rather than having to do the maths every single time you want to attend an activity. **

  2. There used to be and option in the Advanced menu that could toggle light attachments on and off back in the day.

    Let me demonstrate what people are complaining about when they say they don't like light attachments to avatars. This is an example of someone actually griefing a sim last night:


  3. I really Love the new layout, so much simpler, and totally customiseable. Also you get to see more!

    I do have a suggestion however, that the inventory, Outfits and Locations pop-ups are polished, ie. Dont look like a sidebar! More of a rounded complete look to them.

    Great work though - love it!

    Oh yes and while, i'm on it. Please sort out the crash on logging inworld for those of us with high end graphics cards - mines a GTX 460 SE - The shining fixes can run without crashing, why can't you? The only major bug with shining fixes is that other avatars are usually just grey, but hey, maybe that is something that is being worked on at the moment.

    Once again, great job on the interface :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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