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Jolene Benoir

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Posts posted by Jolene Benoir

  1. The only issue I have with the CTUG meetings is that only a select few have the availablity to attend. 

    I think that this is much more open to all.

    If Lexie is put at the forefront of communicating with folks here, I don't think that it would be a big issue?

    If folks express their opinions, and are ignored, sure, it could become a big issue.

  2. No basic disagreement here, Kylie, except that I would argue this is not our home, as much as many might feel comfortable here and enjoy each other's company.

    It's more akin to a public space.

    As such, LL sets the rules. 

    I would HOPE that they would be open to feedback, which is all I'm really saying.

    I just agree with them that THIS is the location to receive that feedback.



  3. When I referenced the well-thought out opinions written upon Rod's wall, Celestial and Void's situations came to mind.

    That is NOT the same as the bombardment of petty issues I ALSO saw there.  There IS a difference. Some think that they can have their demands met by simply posting to Rod's wall. 

    It wasn't really the place to do it.


  4. There's no chip on my shoulder, Venus, in this regard, whether you want to see it or not.

    This seems the most logical place to me, for LL to respond, hoping they do constructively, rather than in more private venues.

    We aren't at odds here.  I think we both want what is best for SL/LL/SL'ers.

  5. Why thank, Venus.

    This caught my interest, after having been witness to a rather interesting weekend on the feeds. Oy.

    I understand why some might consider posting endlessly to the CEO's wall effective, or attending CTUG meetings to be effective to have their voice heard, I also understand that the vast majority of SL denizens won't even post to this forum or know about it, let alone do those things.

    An argument COULD be made that LL should listen to the loudest voices, but an argument could ALSO be made that everyone counts, not just a select few.

    This is why I support what LL has decided.  That THIS be the location for feedback.

    I just hope that they respond to everyone's concerns.

    That is all.



  6. Maybe, just maybe, they got fed up with a vocal minority thinking that they RUN this forum, decide what is important during CTUG meetings and bombard the CEO's feed with turf wars.

    A reminder.

    This forum is open to all.  You may consider yourself a frequent user, but that doesn't mean that you have any more say than the person who comes here once in awhile to read, or ask a question.

    This isn't your kingdom.

  7. This is good to see!

    I, for one, think that this IS the place in which feedback should be given.

    NOT by mass spamming the CEO of Linden Lab, with supposedly altruistic, but REALLY territorial and guerilla tactics.. Obviously, I do not mean to apply this to all of the postings that happened on Rod's wall. Some were quite heartfelt and sincere, but that is NOT the place to do it. 

    Nor do I think it should be relegated to the LOUD few that make it a point to attend the CTUG meetings, considering that not everyone CAN make those meetings.

    I guess I would echo that  I would like to see LL make an effort to respond here, fairly often, in regards to feedback, while not bowing to public pressure to do as a FEW would see fit here.





  8. The only complaint I have with Comcast is that it all adds up to so much.

    I love the internet portion of it.  But my monthly bill is $215, and that is just cable (with HBO and Showtime) and internet, not phone too.  The internet portion of that is $45.

    This is because I was not lucky enough to fall into their new user bundles.  I've had them for 15+ yrs.  Therefore, I am not allowed to partake in those advertised bundle plans, which with all 3 (phone, cable, internet) are around $129?

    I'm told that because I am an existing customer, I do not qualify.

    Well, wtf?  Um.. Comcast. I've been paying you monthly for 15+ yrs..yet you want to reward new users (who may or may not pay) over existing, known-to-pay customers?

    So, I am considering going to Dish for the tv portion, while retaining internet with Comcast, even though they charge extra if you do not subscribe to cable. It will be worth it.

    I HATE when companies treat long-time customers in such a fashion, and it makes me wish to leave.

    It's much like cell phone companies used to do, in attempting to get new customers in the face of insulting existing customers.

    So, for those of you thinking of switching, if you can get the bundle deals, or even solo internet,  go for it. because Comcast is very fast, .but read the fine writing on just how and when it will jump up.



  9. I have Comcast/Xfinity which has a cap of 250GB.  I tried Qwest DSL years ago, and it was very slow, and on a graduated pay scale.  I had issues with the phone lines as well.  I was told that it needed to be upgraded for x amt of dollars.

    I called Time Warner (at the time).  They were out and set up completely within the day, at much faster speed.  Comcast has since taken over Time Warner in my area.

    The only thing that bugs me about the cap that Comcast has, is that should you go over repeatedly, you won't be charged extra.  They will just cut you off completely, which effectively leaves only a choice of DSL.

    The second thing is that they are strongly pushing their Xfinity Online viewing of any cable channels in which you subscribe.  Much of it in HD.  That could eat up alot, right there.

    I consistently test very well on speed with Comcast, both up and down.

  10. /me waves at everyone.

    I spent far too much time following the RedZone affair over on SLUniverse.

    There are probably around another 50 pages since I last visited.:smileysurprised:

    I like the format of this new forum.  I've noticed the absence of *that place that shall not be named*.  Looks like conversations will probably be scattered around a bit.



    Darien Caldwell wrote:


    Guess what, that's something that will get you in serious trouble too. Impersonation of offcials, people that we as a society are supposed to trust, is never funny.

    We trust Lindens?  I'm not sure if I do, since I never see them, and can't possibly know them to trust them.  I heard from one once...and now I guess I'm in the FIC due to it, but other than that I think my odds of a Linden sighting are quite low.

    Keli?  Have you tried to contact Arch Linden?  The one who freed Pep up so quickly?


    Gypsy Quixote wrote:


    Well, first of all ... I love Keli Kyrie, her humor has been much needed and appreciated here and inworld. However, when I first saw kelilinden appear it was kind of like someone saying "Hey lookie everybody, I'm gonna push this button that we all know we shouldn't push!" At the same time, it exposed a flaw in the system that we all knew was there. So in a small way I applaud her for taking one for the team so to speak, but of course the outcome was most predictable.

    I'm pretty sure Keli will be back in some form, she seemed to like it here and made many friends.

    Any news LiveReport?

    Seems to me that should have been a foreseen flaw.  Way back in 2007, I came across an anarchist. I kid you not..no exaggerations whatsoever.  A real true to life anarchist. He made that clear when he posted his anarchist posters all over a no-build area later.

    He took a disliking to me, cuz go figure I said something to him about his umpteen bots that he was using, and his foul language.

    He made an account. JoIene Benoir. See the difference?  My friends didn't either, until he came in nekkid wearing appendages and asking to um...give the gentlemen um, well..um...just figure it out.it rhymes with giving the po' jobs.  All while going where I was, or frequented.  He did the very same thing, capital I.

    He then went on to make that avatar a female escort, albeit a hideous one.  But on he lived. I DO realize, it's not the same as using the capital I as an L in Linden..but surely I cannot have been the first that happened to?  That is the ONLY time I have ever filed an AR in-world.  I probably wouldn't nowadays, but back then, I was new, and was like wtf?

    Keli's intentions were nothing like anarchy man's.  I doubt she tried to portray herself as a Linden in-world.

    /me chants.....Free Keli Kyrie...Free Keli Kyrie.


    Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:


    This thought occurred to me last night - if you've been banned from posting here, you probably should resist the urge to post under a different account. I know Daria/Amethyst is getting away with it for some reason, but generally speaking, posting while banned is likely to get you a perma-ban. Same with going in-world.

    Now that you mention it, it is odd that she CANNOT post in here as Keli Kyrie.  Obviously Keli Iinden would be a mistake, but don't we frequently have posters here who are banned in-world, but can still post in the forums?

    ETA:  Maybe the difference lies between an administrative hold (still able to post) vs a permaban (not able to)?

  14. Aw Durn.  I hope that you are given the same consideration here that others were who had created Wasted alts.  Granted using the Linden name is more severe, but I hope that they consider your entire history both here and inworld as a positive influence.  Maybe you will have some luck with Arch Linden too?

    Granted the Linden name carries more weight, but I severely doubt that you used it for any nefarious purposes. I should think that, they'd at least give you back Keli Kyrie.

    I'll contribute to distracting the guards.

    I've baked a cake for ya, and I'm wearing a slinky dress.  Quick:  Look inside the cake!

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