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Christine Svenska

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  1. We here at Fandango Village are proud to annouce our first big event since thenew rebuild! From May 27-May 30, 2011 we will have a Memorial Day Celebration to benefit the Wounded Warriors Project. For any of you familiar with the fantastic Frets Nirvana who performs often here in Chompers, he is very active in helping and promoting this great charity and is helping me with the donation set up. The Wounded Warriors web site is here: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ I know, so many charities in SL to donate to but let’s not forget those that give so much to help keep us free and safe! We have a bang up live musical lineup over that weekend and I am offering free shop space in Fandango to anyone that wishes for those 4days. AND! We are offering FREE Shop space for this event for merchants and artisans! What’s the catch? Well all of my venue tips and sales from some special new releases will be going to Wounded warriors for one. And all I ask is that merchants who use the shops publicize the event through their groups and if possible have one item they might use as a donation item for the charity. I will also have donation boxes placed throughout the sim. The event will be publicized heavily and I would also like to set up a sim wide hunt for anyone that would like to participate, I will be donating a lot of items for this as well. For these 4 days the Sunset Pavilion will be transformed into a 1940’s WW2 style USO complete with refreshments, Dime a Dance (10 L) events and period swing music. (Schedule to be announced) If you or any merchants have period style clothing for sale the 4 days of free shop space would be especially nice! Picnic areas will be set up on the village green and we may add some more events as we can. Shop space will be first come first serve and each merchant may have 30 prims. We do have a few rules here in Fandango for our shops. 1. No Business in a Box Shops – original merchandise only 2. No floating text – it bleeds through walls and looks unsightly 3. Fandango is rated Mature, please adhere to the Second Life TOS rules regarding this rating 4. Fandango Staff reserves the right of approval of all merchants for this event. 5. Current merchants already settled in Fandango Village will have free rent for the duration of the event (I will be giving refunds to make up for that time period) 6. The available shops are those with their house numbers (rental boxes) shaded in green. Those properties with the numbers in a white back ground are not available. To sweeten the pot, if you find that as merchant you like it here in Fandango Village and want a permanent shop here (no obligation of course) I will offer 1 months FREE rent for the entire month of June to anyone who commits to having a shop here and pays their rent in advance for 2 months after the event. So…you pay for July and August and June is free. Again, no obligation whatsoever! Just an offer especially for those of you that may be just starting out and would like to grow with the new rebuild here in Fandango! Contact me in world for general rental and covenant info. If you are interested please drop me a note card in world as soon as possible to reserve your space! Its possible that I may have you all set up earlier than the event (I am thinking starting the 23rd to avoid a rush and confusion) so actually you will have even more free time than those 4 days. If any of you would like to be a USO volunteer – for the Dime a Dance events for example please let me know! I would also entertain any ideas for more events for the Celebration! Got an idea for an event you would like to do? Pitch it to me! Please feel free to pass this information along to your friends! Please visit us here in Fandango and PLEASE check out our Google Calendar here: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=fandangovillage%40aol.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles For the latest Fandango Village and venue information! As the event shapes up we will be posting more on the blog! Thanks soooo much and hugs! Christine Svenska
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