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Arilia Noriega

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Everything posted by Arilia Noriega

  1. I've been away from SL for a few months, and when I got back, I noticed something changed about a particular movement option. Holding down the left mouse button on one's avatar or name used to give over-the-shoulder, third-person style controls: WASD - move the character Mouse - look around Now it does this: WS - move forward/back AD - turn left/right Mouse horizontal axis - turn left/right Mouse vertical axis - nothing This is basically useless. Any idea where the option is to change this back? I'm on Firestorm 6.3.2. I didn't find anything in the preferences, so I'm wondering if it's in the Debug Settings. I tried google searches, but only found basic wasd/mouselook info, not anything about this specific problem.
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