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Devious Noyes

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  1. I am using Blender 2.68. thanks for asking Gaia. However, I went ahead a got another dae to test, and tested one of my own. Those have vert groups. So, seems the other files are just odd. Sorry I should have done more testing before calling out. My guess is the other files are made very different since they move as expected when uploaded to aditi, but when inspected in blender they do not have vert groups. thanks
  2. hello, I purchased a full perm, rigged garment from the Market Place that came with a dae download. When I import the dae file into Blender the garment comes in parented to an armature, but the garment has no weight vert groups. The original dae file works fine when importing straight into SL (never going into blender). Why are there no weights on the mesh when I import the dae into blender? What am I doing wrong? It has to be me. This is only my second time playing with someone else's mesh via a dae file and the same thing happened the first time. thanks bunches for any advice and help
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