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Glimmering Sands

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Posts posted by Glimmering Sands

  1. I build the SL viewer for Mac OSX from Linden provided source.  I do this because I have a few custom changes to the handling of editing scripts which is important to me (I mention this so you will realize that my minor changes are far removed from the UI).  This used to be all good and fine, but as of late it is not.  The problem is with the UI.  All of the boxes are uniform gray and no icons or images appear (I assume they are gray, too).  Needless to say, this does a useable viewer make!  The last version I was able to build which looks normal is:

    Second Life 2.5.0 (0) Nov 23 2010 20:10:43 (Second Life Developer)

    I have already tried removing my Library/Application Support/SecondLife directory, the Library/Preferences/com.secondlife.indra.viewer.plist file and even moved /Applications/Second Life.app out of the way.  I assume this has something to do with the skinning support they have.  Has anyone else seen this problem before, and more importantly, does anyone know how to resolve this issue?  I would certainly like to be able to upgrade my viewer, but at this point I can only produce viewers with grayness.

    All kind help greatly appreciated,


  2. I sympathize with your points.  I think the unfortunate answer is that either forums are open or they are not.  Freedom is a messy thing.  I do not think there is a thing you have suggested I would disagree with.  I would hope all would think like you do.  But in this world it is not true.  There are a great many opinions, some better than others, and no universal judgement.  Some come to these forums to ask questions, some come to learn, some come for entrainment, others to entertain (be it themselves, their friends, or the community at large).  Some, honestly, come to be disruptive and build their own self image or tear down others.  While I can suggest these are potential motives, I cannot suggest the motive for any particular person.  Only they know that.

    I believe any forum of open and free communication will evolve/devolve based on those who participate and those who are rewarded.  Spoken (or written) words have no value.  Words that are heard (or read) do.

    Open and free communication is not always the best course of action, though I would hate to see a world where it was typically not an option.  To me it appears these forums are more about a social network loosely contrived on sharing information and a place to seek advice about Second Life.  One should question why this particular forum must even exist.  The same can be asked of the LSL Wiki.  They both share an important component.  Linden Labs does not provide the answers that their customers ask and require.  They often do not even provide the basic information to be able to discover the correct answer.  Instead, they have provided a open town square, with occasional authority, for people to try to resolve these questions for themselves.  I guess, as it is a "game," finding the answers might be considered part of the game play.

    I should note also, you even get points for the number of times you post here.  There certainly must be some people who view that the goal of the game of forums is to get the highest number possible.  That is game theory, after all

    In the end, we all will vote with our browsers.  Either we view (and possibly participate with) what goes on here or we don't.  Personally, I think I may have voted wrong.

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    Irene.Muni wrote:

    I'm not sure about "player selected when registred". The registration form ask your language or ask where do you live? What language is detected form countries as Finland (only a example hehe)?

    It has been a while since I registered, so I will accept what you say.  It is also possible it is taken from the locale setting you use on a daily basis, which would be much more likely choice to use than what country you say you live in.  After all, if you have set the locale of your system to some language there is a very high probability that that is a language you speak :-)

    The important thing is that this may be what prompted the entire rumor about UUID to geographic location.

  4. Isn't it often the case that there is a kernel of truth in some of the most outlandish rumors.  The truth is passed from person to person and slowly evolves into something that is nearly unrecognizable.  Heh, that is sort of like the answers and discussions on these blogs!

    Given an avatar's UUID you can make some determinations that sometimes provide geographical information.  In LSL (Linden Scripting Language) there is the function llGetAgentLanguage(key uuid)which returns the language the player selected when they registered for SL.  There is good reason to make this available -- it allows a script to potentially respond in the player native language.  A vast majority of players, no matter where the are located, are reported as "English" or "American English".  However, if the player's language is reported as, say Portugués, then there is a reasonable possibility that this person resides in one of the countries which speak this language as their native language.

    I am sorry this did not occur to me sooner, I have a product, the Magic Compass (a hud) which can display this information about another avatar in the region (and gasp, where they are standing, the direction they are facing, and how fast they are moving.  OH NO!)

    So the correct answer is not "No", it is, "A potential maybe with room for error and deception."

    Have a wonderful day!

    Edit: There is a user setting to turn off "Shares Language with Objects," but off hand I do not recall where that is.


    Prokofy.Neva wrote:


    Keep asking questions about the Emerald viewer, and do not be dissuaded by the propaganda.

    The issue of scraping the avatar key needs a lot more debate than it gets from the cheerleaders here.

    There may be good reasons to question the Emerald viewer, but this is not one of them.  Claiming the data is "scraped" is quite misleading.  It is not scraped.  It is easily public information that in no way can be hidden.  It is no more dangerous to know that than someones name in SL (since the two are essentially synonymous and trivial to convert between).  Scraping is gathering information programmatically from a source that is generally meant to be read by organic eyes.

    I believe you probably do not script, Profoky.  Any vendor, information giver, anything you touch, pay, or interact with, any dance ball, chimera, door, teleport (the list goes on) is told your UUID by necessity.  Any belief that scripters will be ethical with that information is sadly misplaced as anyone can script.  This is why there are many efforts in LSL to protect important information.  The AV's UUID is not one of these things.  When such things need protecting, say the ability to play an animation, either the UUID is protected or the UUID has no benefit.  The later is the case with an animation, while the former is the case for textures, to an extent.

    You would do yourself, and others, benefit if you were to limit your complaints to real issues.

    Have a sunny day!

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