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Bliss Zufreur

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Posts posted by Bliss Zufreur

  1. Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

    There's no reason not to use both platforms. The new world will be new and exciting to explore to see whats new, and the old one familiar and filed with the things we all ready own.  I see it like going on vacation then comming back home.

    exactly this....in fact when the new world gets going, i think we should have notices in the original world of things to do in the new world - maybe an interworld newspaper? they can definitely coexist, and ebbe has said over and over they have no plans to get rid of SL i'm looking forward to checking the new place out and seeing what i can do there, but SL is my home, until they can prove the new world is actually 'better'...whatever that means :)

  2. Ebbe Linden wrote:

    Again, I have not said there's any end coming. We have made no plans for any SL shutdown. None. 

    We are simply working to make an even better product from the ground up. You will have plenty of time to evaluate it and decide.

    Your identity and L$ will be the same for both so it will be easy to hop back and forth. 


    Thank you Ebbe  ...this all sounds great to me    :)

  3. i have some mesh hair that i like, but the majority of the time i still wear my favorite flexi hair....it just looks more natural to me...i've noticed if i wear mesh hair that hangs down over a mesh blouse, from certain angles either the hair or the blouse will disappear...i'm figuring it's like the alpha sorting problem we already had with alpha textures on prims?  i'm not even sure if i'm saying that right   hehe    ..there is also the problem with alot of mesh not loading at a high traffic event, and bald just isn't a good look

    anyway...for now, i'm still wearing alot of old style stuff

    i don't wear hairspray or hair gel or any other goop in my hair in rl, and i don't want to look that way in sl either  :)

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  4. i love mesh for boots and shoes....and i have some mesh hair that i like

    but seriously, fiddling with my body to make something fit just irritates me....i want to get dressed and go...hehe    and i hate the void caused by the alpha under skirts and tops...i think the whole mesh thing has a long way to go to be really nice looking

    so, while i do have some mesh things i wear, i still wear alot of older stuff

    i've also noticed that when i go to events and live music, mesh is the last thing to rez...lots of disimbodied heads and legs and arms with their clothing hanging off their hands....so if i'm gonna be in a crowd, i avoid mesh...

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  5. Alice Project has Infinity Packs of hair...they come with a color HUD, naturals and colors....you can have the same hair in pink, purple, blond, brown, etc etc

    they are also really nicely priced, and come in tons of styles, and you can delete the scripts after you make a copy and color

    Alice Project is inworld, and on the Marketplace



  6. mesh just makes me tired...hehe

    very few of them fit, even with a shape that is supposed to be the right one...something is always sticking out...or i have to set my body fat/muscles at zero....or i have to change my cleavage....or the alpha is too long....it's just exhausting

    i have a few mesh things i've picked up in hunts or as gifts that i wear, but for the most part, system clothes are just easier, more dependable, and i can be ME

    i do love mesh hair (except for that weird halo effect they have) and shoes and boots

  7. to me, the chat interface looks and acts very similar to what i was using in firestorm...they added some nice stuff to it that i'll probably never need, but overall, it looks pretty nice

    the camera controls still aren't resizeable...please fix that

    the only part that worries me, is when i use the new SL viewer, my computer works really freakin hard, which i have never had with firestorm - which may be settings i need to tweak or something...

    anyway....change can be hard, but since the chat area is resizeable, and you can minimize the whole thing down to icons, i don't see how this is a 'deal breaker'...it's just different in my opinion....play with prefs and get the thing the way you want it...:)

  8. yes...four years in sl....i've yet to meet a rude merchant....yet to be scammed...never gotten a bite request...have been in a couple of griefings at the shelter....not a big deal...was shot once...not a big deal....threw myself into a volcano once and 'died'...again, not a big deal

    must be all that clean living i do...hehe

    seriously, people treat you the way you allow them to...avoid the drama, be polite, share your crayons, and if things go squirrelly, tp out

    i love sl...doesn't seem to be dying to me




  9. no, mainland is not free for all...tier must be paid

    sorry, i couldn't resist...hehe

    and since sl is "Your world, Your imagination", that means unless you are paying the tier, it's non of your business, and in that case, derender is your friend

    if you want a HOA, rent land from a private estate...it's that simple...:)


  10. we've owned the same mainland areas for almost four years, and we've had very little lag, even living across the road from a club, and having alot of breedables

    our neighbors are wonderful, and when things are built that are...icky, we either derender, or wait them out...they always leave

    we've had three griefing incidents...replicating prims and particles...they were always placed on a corner of our neighbor's area, not ours, and they were taken care of by LL after ARs were filed...

    i really don't understand everyone's problem with mainland, and no, it shouldn't be free

    tier could be slightly cheaper tho...we'd buy more..:)

  11. i was bored yesterday and decided to try to make a shape that would let me wear a mesh dress without an alpha...i love the dress, but the alpha makes me invisible from the thighs up, which is a very disturbing look when sitting down....the alpha, of course, is no mod, and i wasn't in the mood to try to learn to make one that worked correctly

    i usually am close to the medium mesh shape, but this designer apparently has a different standard, because the small was closer...go figure...hehe

    so i  played around with the sliders, up in some places, down in others, and was finally there...there was a tiny bit of avatar that showed through at the front pelvis when my leg moved....but it could be masked with matching panties....and i still looked okay....i was thinkin...yay!

    then i cammed around behind and found out the back of my arm was coming through the sleeve when my ao moved me

    huge face palm


  12. i agree with Trinity...not better, just different

    i have alot of mesh clothing that i've picked up here and there, but i mostly wear old style clothes because they look better, move better, and nobody is seeing me topless or as a collection of floating body parts...:matte-motes-grin:

  13. i too have had alot of problems with clipping...my ao isn't really figity, but it does shift positions abit, and i've noticed some dresses clip through my upper thighs when i lean back, and others don't...

    the oddest thing i've found is that alot of shorter mesh dresses seem to totally eliminate my rear end...heheh

    i know this cause i wear a tail, and when i put on my mesh shape, my tail is sitting right where it should be, but then i put on the mesh dress/alpha and my tail is just hanging out by itself behind me and has to be moved in a bunch....my poor av is totally flat in the back...needless to say, i put those dresses in the trash

    it's also irritating that if i wear heels with mesh pants, the backs of my shoes clip through the pants...seems like that little bit should be adjusted for when created...i hate the thought of having to wear flat sandals with my flowy mesh pants, but it seems to be the only way

  14. open collar has the option to leave access open to anyone...they can click your collar for a leash handle and leash you up....

    i haven't seen any with the leash just dragging for anyone to pick up tho

    someone else will probably have a better answer for you...:)

  15. i've been premium for three years...i think i was a couple months old when i decided i wanted to own some mainland and have a place that was home...i still have my original 512, and abit more....:)

    as others have said, being premium is my way of showing my support for the company that gives me such a wonderful place to enjoy my free time

    sure, there are problems...sure, it's not perfect....but damn it's fun...so totally worth what it costs me once a year...:)

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