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Alexia Gaelyth

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Everything posted by Alexia Gaelyth

  1. Welcome to the Tie the Knot Hunt! A grid-wide hunt not just for brides and grooms, but also for wedding professionals and guests! This hunt will contain all items you can use at a wedding, but that won't limit what you find! We welcome dress and suit attire stores, jewelry stores, cakes and bakeries, awesome wedding gifts, really anything you might use at a wedding! If you own a business with items that could be used at a wedding (including gift cards!), please fill out an application! Deadline for Submission is August 25th. Please contact us if you have any questions, and we hope to see your store "Tie the Knot"! Application form: http://tietheknothunt.blogspot.com/ Sincerely, Juliet Moonshadow Alexia Gaelyth
  2. Nerdgirl, I'm so glad to hear that your experience has been a positive one. I believe we met in passing at an event, but didn't really get a chance to talk. Rosalyn's vision for the SLFN is just as you say. I've been with her from the beginning, and it is the very posts that she saw on these forums that inspired her to found the group. She has a true passion and is fully invested in fulfilling the obligations/mission that the group presents to its members and their friends and family. It is wonderful to see how quickly we have grown, and we are endeavoring to add more events. Coming soon, with the help of a couple local businesses (who forfeited advertising per our group rules), we even have some new venues, gardens, and a surprise that Rosalyn would strangle me if I revealed. :smileytongue: Everyone, even if you aren't sure about joining a group, please feel free to stop in and hang out with us. Most of our events are open to the public. If you want to know more you can contact Rosalyn Reinerman, Alexia Gaelyth, and Ambie Helendale in-world or visit our blog at http://slfriendshipnetwork.blogspot.com/. Sincerely, Alexia Gaelyth
  3. For the past 2 days, my avatar will not rez properly. She looks like a fuzzy clay manniquin. When I log in, I have the dreaded orange cloud. When I do a rebake, I get a human shape. However, She appears to have the "ruthed" shape but the textures are not rezzed so she remains blurry and without eyes or anything else. When I try to fix anything, I receive the message that I can't change anything until she'd finished loading (which it never does). I have tried the usual remedies without any success: 1. Character test = no change. It doesn't appear to even be allowing me to test... 2. Clear cache = no change. 3. Relog = no change. 4. Rebake = no change. 5. Debug settings (renderunloadedavatar) = no change. 6. Log into a protected region = no change. 7. Mentally kick & abuse the viewer = no change. 8. Change group tags = no change. 9. Appearance edit = this option is greyed out. 10. Adjust graphics settings = no change. I have tried different viewers and the same thing is occuring (Phoenix, Firestorm, V3). When I try to submit a support ticket, I get transferred to a "broken link" page. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  4. In Phoenix, there is an option (I believe under the edit preferences menu) that lets you disable your camera zoom's maximum zoom. You may want to check and make sure this isn't selected. Good luck.
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