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Kyle Lebed

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Posts posted by Kyle Lebed

  1. It's pretty obvious where SL is headed. Until then I will just accept the theft of Lindens as part of doing business here. Once I stopped being angry about customers requesting customer service of a product they paid for and received and I got nothing for, it felt better.

    I recommend everyone else do the same. I'm happy getting something until the whole things comes to an end. I'll squeeze this lemon until there isn't a drop left :-)

  2. Sales are pretty good. My popular item is still highly ranked and a mid-range best seller.

    The problem is - I'm not getting paid for all of my sales. Customers are ordering, getting the product - I'm just not getting anything in return.

    Good times indeed :-)

  3. Thanks for the info Toy but that's definitely not an option for me as my item is copy. I would end up with 1000's of IMs/emails.

    Really - what good would it do? I already know it's happening.

    LL should make this the #1 priority. After reading through some of the threads here it appears there are endless issues.

    Such a shame but not that much of a surprise.

  4. I am not a regular here on the forums anymore but I thought it would be best to let everyone know (if you didn't know already) that it appears that the marketplace is delivering products but not paying the merchant.

    In the last 3 weeks I have had 11 "customers" make inquiries about their purchase that I had no record of.

    At first I thought oh well, a small glitch. This weekend I finally realized it was no small glitch at all.

    I have one of the best selling items on the marketplace. I cannot imagine how many "customers" have paid for and received my product that I have not been paid a penny.

    I am assuming LL gets this money? Are you kidding me?

    After 5+ years in SL - I think the sky finally IS falling. Just a heads up :-)

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