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LillyBeth Filth

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Posts posted by LillyBeth Filth

  1. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    They are just as meaningless as the five star review that say:


    "love it, 5 stars"




    You have no idea what they like.

    That's a very good point!

    If I was to go off reviews, I would accept that a brief none positive review meant that the item was "as advertised" but if its a negative review that is brief and none descriptive it does seem to raise the question of "Why?"

    It's human nature that when we get something we paid for and we are satisfied we move on with out lives and rarely bother to leave a review

    If we are disappointed THEN we have an incentive to leave a negative review... whether that be to get the attention of the merchant or just to let off steam

    There is no incentive to leave a positive review which is why some merchants offer financial incentives if customers leave reviews but then it falls into the whole moral issue of how authentic those "positive" reviews are

    Perhaps if there was some kind of incentive to leave good or bad reviews not organised by the merchant but LL such as credit tokens to spend on the MP if they leave more than X amount of reviews..

    I dunno.. but its a rare thing for any customer to take the time to leave a positive review without prodding or poking or merchant persuasion .. so when someone does I make a point of leaving a thank you comment 



  2. I find customer reviews frustrating on the Marketplace  as by and large, the majority of people don't tend to leave a positive review. If they're happy,  they go on with their SL and the review is left blank.

    I have come to realise "no review" must mean they were satisfied with their purchase. Of course if they are unhappy, it's another story. 

    So I thought I would contact a customer who had spent a considerable amount, just to say "thank you" and perhaps ask her if she was happy to leave a review. 

    The response has put me off doing it again! lol 


    Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time, could you leave a review...no one seems to bother :)

    [2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: hi
    [2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: so you noticed
    [2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: maybe you noticed that i have purchased a lot ;)
    [2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: might be a discount in the next time ;)
    [2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): sure  - EDIT  ($200 lindens sent
    [2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): There you go :) many thanks for your continued custom x
    [2014/10/10 07:47] NAME REMOVED: thank you :) i will leave an review and i will recommend
    [2014/10/10 07:52] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): :) ty


    As yet, still no review. lmao

  3. Was it for Sale or a freebie?

    Not that it matters in the case of IP and Copyright, distribution is distribution regardless of whether there is a price tag attached or whether its something that is made freely available for others to download etc.

    Many people who come into SL, myself included, learn about Copyright and IP and the vast majority learn the hard way.

    I think people are generally more Copyright aware today than we were back in 2006 - 2009. Back then, Copyright was just a word I saw on the back of a DVD.

    I know all there is to know about it now because i have to in order not to infringe someone elses work or identity. 

    As I say, I learned the hard way and made assumption based on the fact that "Everyone else is doing it, why should'nt I?" 

    The SL store I admired as a noob and who inspired me to set up my own texture store in 2005 was selling nothing BUT Googled images made seamless or with an alpha channel added, so I followed suit..

    That store was a big deal back in the day, had a fantastic reputation for selling "good textures" and I wanted to be exactly the same so we follow the leaders.

    Things are different now as I say.  I know better and big brand stores in SL know better. 

    Gone are the days when you could **bleep** in a box and sell it in SL. :) 


  4. Ela Talaj wrote:

    The "offensive" keyword is "pitch". Don't ask me why. Perhaps someone at the Lab is allergic to baseball.

    I have listed an arcade game named "PitchBall". Several weeks ago its maturity level was puzzlingly raised to Moderate due to keywords. there were only a few keywords there so I went by trial and error. As soon as I removed "pitch" as a keyword the rating was restored to General.

    Its bordering on insanity that we have to guess this list that someone deemed fit to make but not share.

    Pitch? Really? 

    It's an absolute joke. 

    The least they could do is when the page refreshes and it makes grades it "A" is highlight the words that triggered that grading and allow us to see and/or replace them. That way, we are actually learning what keywords are considered inappropriate, even if we don't agree or understand.

    I can tell you from watching people use my in world search terminals which are linked to my website, that the words people type when they are looking for something can be really quite bizarre.

    A typical example would be someone wanted red wallpaper, so they type "red" (?) I am not sure if people knew they can use more than one key word.

    Anyway, no search system is perfect but the MP borders on laughable when it comes to this Adult Mature and General classification...  

  5. Pamela Galli wrote:

    LillyBeth Filth wrote:

    I am not the one with a bee in her bonnet... you started a whole thread on the subject and told people to shut up as you defend your opinion (As that's all it is) 


    I certainly did not tell anyone to shut up!  If you are going to make a claim like this, then quote it.  Jacob Cagney told
    to shut up.

    As you see, I have not shut up, and will continue to inform people who clearly are under the impression that there are developers busily working on the marketplace who are interested in suggestions on how to improve it, that we have zero evidence work is being done -- and my guess is that it will not be, unless policy changes. Marketplace, now the center of our economy, has been inexplicably cut loose, and is now adrift.

    Evidently some think I am just being mean for saying such awful things, and like you, have attacked me for doing so.  But people need to know the reality of the situation, and LL has thus far declined to inform us either that they are working on anything marketplace related, or as seems to be the case, are not working on anything and will not be.  But a look at Marketplace release notes shows the last one was July 2013. After that, nothing. Draw whatever conclusions you will from that; I take it as further evidence of my contention that LL is done with MP. What you see, however trivial many improvements might be to make, is what you get.

    Some people just really hate dealing with reality, and I get that, but for those who choose to believe in the absence of evidence that there is a team secretly and silently working on Marketplace improvements and fixes, (preparing as Perrie says to surprise us at Christmas!) here is my advice:

    "Deal with reality or reality will deal with you."

    jeeeez are we still banging on about this?  





  6. Jacob Cagney wrote:

    LillyBeth Filth wrote:

    I got one red flagged yesterday for "T
    he item has been blocked due to Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices" it was a Medieval Ceiling Tile Material Set (Diffuse Specular Normal Maps) 

    I have no idea what was wrong with the listing in all honesty. I can't even find the listing to relist it again and I can't be bothered trying to work out what piece of text was considered "Spam" so I just left it alone.

    I always assume its competitors doing this thing. I wouldn't imagine a customer would be bothered to flag it.. but a competitor would for sure. 

    Relisting it would also get you into trouble if the item was blocked. Just look at the email that was sent to you and it will give you the information about the item.  If you cannot figure it out, send in a support case.


    Sorry for the delay in replying.

    I cannot find it to relist so I haven't bothered. I did not know they "blocked" them but the email gave me nothing to go off other than "spam" 

    Anyhooo it's really no biggy  :) But thanks for your response. 

  7. KennethTossbag wrote:

    I've just been offered a SL job for 20L per hour. Is this a typical SL rate and is it my worth my while doing it?

    I have only hired once and that lady is still with me 7 years on :) 

    I didnt do it on an hourly rate because at the time I dont think there were clocking on clocking off devices or iif there was,  I was comfortable asking her to use one. 

    So I just offered a weekly amount. Sounds better when you round it up for X amount of hours.

    But then you have to understand "back then" everyone was making lots of money, SL was new and novel and people spent freely so wages were higher.. I think campers got paid better than 20L an hour back then..

    Grim days.. 

  8. Coby Foden wrote:

    Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Please please please stop using symbols between the letters of DEMO when listing them. It's just a sneaky way to get around the NOT demo search. And it pisses people off.

    Yes, I'm totally pissed off. People use things like this:








    D E M O









    -D E M O-



    ... and much more. This is just a small sample of the craziness going on. :smileyfrustrated:


    Okay... I have to admit I am not on top of things MarketPlace related I don't follow forums threads or read LL announcements etc... so I put my keywords as such:    tree_textures, plant_textures, tree_branch_textures,  - with the _ between the words as I was learned to do it that way by Google or some other key word type place...  

    I am currently manually going through 3,000 listings on the marketplace as i just discovered they had all been dumped in the texture department (no sub categories) and there was no key words and the marketing display is soooo 2005 :) (I hired a scripter to add them all with software... it worked but didn't look great)  

    So I would like to know what is the correct way to add key words, if the _ method is not correct. 

    Many thanks :) 



  9. Pamela Galli wrote:

    LillyBeth Filth wrote:

    Pamela Galli wrote:

    There have been dozens of threads about the demo problem. LL is not interested in fixing it. 

    Pamela, we get the message! lol You don't have anything to gain by typing "LL are done with the MP" in almost every thread that involves the Marketplace.

    I understand you're frustrated and angry but the forums shouldn't be a form of therapy for your anger and trying to rouse others to feel as you do is not likely to work either.

    I too depend (partially) on SL for my RL bills too but there are some things I cannot control so I have to think of a work around because spending too much time in the forums venting is certainly not going to increase sales.


    Who put a bee in your bonnet?   I am simply informing people who are making helpful suggestions about how to improve the marketplace, that there is no one at LL who is listening -- and the reason why.  You can see that as "angry"; I am simply informing people of what is obviously news to some. 

    Why that revelation seems "mean" to some, I do not know. 

    Seriously, get a grip!

    I am not the one with a bee in her bonnet... you started a whole thread on the subject and told people to shut up as you defend your opinion (As that's all it is) 

    And I quote "

    "Unlike you, I am not a casual user of the marketplace, or a user of the customer end of it only.

    I have been supporting my family with my SL business for five years; I daily monitor this forum and others for ANY developments that would affect my livlihood. Any tiny developments or breakage or fixes, in either the customer or merchant ends, I NOTICE"

    I was trying to say  in a light hearted,  joking manner (Or at least that was the intention) that whilst I can relate to your obvious frustration, there is nothing you/we can do over things you/we cannot control and venting/posting in multiple threads over the same topic is doing nothing constructive to resolve the actual issue, even if it is done so in a passive aggressive manner.

    Then to prove my point that you have emotional conviction, you respond to some unrelated thread which I posted in,  accusing me of being "angry and paranoid" 

    There's a reason why people spend so much time in forums and very rarely a positive one and that's why I don't tend to do forums because what ever you say or suggest someone somewhere will take issue with it and have a rant. 

    Sorry that I apparently added fuel to your flames. 





  10. Pamela Galli wrote:

    LillyBeth Filth wrote:

    I got one red flagged yesterday for "T
    he item has been blocked due to Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices" it was a Medieval Ceiling Tile Material Set (Diffuse Specular Normal Maps) 

    I have no idea what was wrong with the listing in all honesty. I can't even find the listing to relist it again and I can't be bothered trying to work out what piece of text was considered "Spam" so I just left it alone.

    I always assume its competitors doing this thing. I wouldn't imagine a customer would be bothered to flag it.. but a competitor would for sure. 

    Really, LilyBeth, why so paranoid and angry?  I looked at some of your keywords just now and I see why someone would flag them -- when people search "skin", for example, they do not want to see animal fur textures. 

    Get a grip you silly moo lol 

  11. Pamela Galli wrote:

    There have been dozens of threads about the demo problem. LL is not interested in fixing it. 

    Pamela, we get the message! lol You don't have anything to gain by typing "LL are done with the MP" in almost every thread that involves the Marketplace.

    I understand you're frustrated and angry but the forums shouldn't be a form of therapy for your anger and trying to rouse others to feel as you do is not likely to work either.

    I too depend (partially) on SL for my RL bills too but there are some things I cannot control so I have to think of a work around because spending too much time in the forums venting is certainly not going to increase sales.


  12. I got one red flagged yesterday for "The item has been blocked due to Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices" it was a Medieval Ceiling Tile Material Set (Diffuse Specular Normal Maps) 

    I have no idea what was wrong with the listing in all honesty. I can't even find the listing to relist it again and I can't be bothered trying to work out what piece of text was considered "Spam" so I just left it alone.

    I always assume its competitors doing this thing. I wouldn't imagine a customer would be bothered to flag it.. but a competitor would for sure. 

  13. Ashasekayi Ra wrote:

    Actually, Lindens do skim the forums. Lindens have admitted that during inworld meetings that I have attended before.

    Yea, in their lunch all four of them gather around a 2001 Mac and eat popcorn laughing... 



  14. Roisin Juneberry wrote:

    I have been asked by so many people how do you add the FORSALE picture in your profile.

    Well after a little digging and asking around i actually got the answer to my question without paying anyone lol

    Its actually very easy all you have to do it type this:



    Please note you put this in the area you type in on your profile, and you wont' see the picture per say but others will ^^

    Tc all


    Thanks Roe :)


    I have no idea why people want "For Sale" in their profile... is it for items they have for sale or are they selling themselves?

    I am so out of touch with the social aspect of SL now... but thanks for sharing..

  15. Vivienne Schell wrote:

    Nothing new, only the well known "better, faster, greater" wishiwashi. Seems as if these people neither have a real clue on what exactly their techie employees are about to develop nor on thei potential  "better, faster, greater" customers.

    Reminds me of the "Viewer 2" project, only in a larger scale.


    They are not going to release specific details on technology or indeed any type of plans for what should be obvious reasons.

    Any staff they hire signs NDA's (None disclosure agreements) to keep development plans private and within  the dev team.

    For public consumption it will be all very "faster, better, bigger" type wording.


    Orca Flotta wrote:

    In SL you gotta create your own personality, define for yourself what you are. That's huge, since in order to create a new life you have to confront your old, the physical one. Look deep inside yourself, reflect on your own being. That's the biggest hurdle for many newbies, and that's why we see so many drop-outs.

    I really don't think its that deep to be honest. lol

    SL is not psychotherapy! 

    It is what you want it to be.. if you want it to be anything at all.

    You can't define it actually.

    It's like trying to define what "life" is. 

    Its different things for different people. Period. 

  17. 2004 - Very much as the OP described only people DID talk to each other as we were all new on this strange and new land. It was not unusual to say " Hi, where you from? How long have you been in SL?" etc etc 

    I remember the days (2006) of going on shopping trips (In world) and you could not move for LAG due to the amount of avatars all shopping in some of the popular hair/clothing/skin/furniture/house stores.

    Some times you literally couldn't get in that sim/store because it was at maximum capacity so you had to keep clicking the TP button in hopes you would catch a wave as someone TP out.

    People ran quizzes and contests such as "primtionary" which was a game were a player is given a word and he/she has to build something in prims to describe that word and people are sat around guessing... great fun! 

    I feel the move to the marketplace as well as the ban on bingo and other "gambling games" has sucked the need to be in world right out of people.

    I imagine there are people all sectioned off in their private house/land and for the most part alone. 

    And of course the night clubs. Is that all there is in SL now? clubs? 

    I do miss the old days. But just as in RL old people harp on about "How things were better years ago" This comes from the fact they were younger (SL newer) and everything was an adventure and exciting.

    I don't know how a 2014 noobies experience compares to someone who was new when SL was smaller but yet busier... 



  18. I would be fuming!

    Some people! Anything but actually learn a skill and EARN their sales.  

    I had thought with the recent TAX form and RL ID forms requirement before you can cash out,  would have reduced this kind of crap. But I guess the vast majority of merchants are just selling to make L$ to spend in SL. 

    I don't know how often this happens but it must leave insecurities for consumers.

    I sent some textures to a customer who had lost the box when she rezzed it and her response was almost disbelief that I had bothered to send them to her. 

    This is not a new thing. I have noticed over the last two years customers are displaying signs of doubt and desperation when they contact me for undelivered items or lost items etc its almost as if they expect to be ignored.

    Very sad. 

  19. Kelli May wrote:

    Interesting reading, especially the almost 60-40 Female-Male split, and the age of residents.

    When I first vistsed a chatroom, I assumed people would be about my age (late 20s at the time). It turned out to be full of teenagers. 
    When I joined SL (late 30s) I assumed it would be all teenagers (despite the 18+ rule). I was surprised to meet a lot of people around my own age. 
    So I'm not surprised now (pushing mid 40s) that SL has a lot of older residents. I'm still surprised that I'm in the lower half of the age bracket, with about 55% of respondents older than me.

    Looking at the trends, more than half of the responses come after you posted here, which suggests a lot of them were from Forumites as Cathy suggests. 


    The age thing doesn't surprise me at all.

    When I was in my 20s 30s I was going out and having a "real life' drinking and partying in "real clubs" and today the 20 somethings are doing online socialising on FaceBook type platforms with real people who they know in person, because it's quick, accessible from their mobile phones and more importantly it's an extension of their RLs. Facebook relates very much to their real identities and real lifes so the younger generation flock towards that. 

    It seems to me your average SL user does not like FB or revealing their real identity. Very guarded and secretive people in SL or at least that's the way it comes over to me. They don't want people knowing their real name or anything about their real lives. It's an escapism for them. 

    So I suspect when you're long time married it gets boring and predictable and SL appeals to that specific demographic who have online romances (whilst married in RL but bored or feel taken for granted) 

    Stay at home mums are a classic typical SL "type" as they tend to have more of time on their hands during the days. 

    In theory this age group should also have the most disposable income too. Mortgage is low compared to when they first purchased their house 20 years ago, they have advanced in their careers and should be earning considerably more than in their 20s and their kids have grown and some left the nest.

    But nothing is black and white... and my assessment made purely on people I know and have met in SL does not mean everyone in that age group fits that description but from my experience, it does. 


    Flapman wrote:

    Hi all,

    I wanted to update everyone about the status of the survey.   It is still going on since I only have 98 responses right now.  I need to get it up above 100 to have a reasonable margin of accuracy.    I will be okay with a 90% confidence level (the 100+ mark).  We are so close!!!

    As I shared peviously, the intent of the survey was to gather enough info about residents for use in modeling the demographic make-up of the Second Life Resident population.    I would like to be able to post the results in the next couple of weeks on my website. 

    You can find the Postmoderna SL Survey at: 

    You can also look at the current results at: 


    Thanks in advance,


    PS.  I am still giving away a copy of the brownstone to anyone that completes it.  You can use the link address at the end or the survey or wait for me to send it to you inworld.

    PSS.   If you could, also take the time to post a comment in this thread about how you think this kind of info could be valuable to SL Residents and Business Owners as well as how it could effectively be used.

    I did your survey and included my SL name (It doesn't surprise me that a large majority skipped that part lol) 

    I am a little shocked at two things.

    1) $15 a month is what the majority of people spend a month on L$ ( I expected much more.. perhaps $50 a month) 

    2) The largest percentage of people were in the lowest income bracket.

    No wonder precious few people can afford to rent islands or large sims.

    Interesting information though :) 


  21. Kenbro Utu wrote:

    Perhaps he was fined out of existance for distributing movies he had not acquired the rights for. 

    I have no idea who this company is but I tried to find them on Google or the MP to check out whether he/she is renting movies etc which might explain their sudden disapearance (Copyright violation) but I couldn't find anything.

    Of course the renters don't give one solitary sh1t whether the movies they watch are legal at the end of the day. 


  22. Why don't they keep it simple? 

    50,000 L$ (Or some other amount that they feel is appropriate)

    That way, the money can go back into the economy and we ALL benefit.

    LL will make a 5% back on MP sales which the vast majority of sales are done anyway. 


    EDIT: Or am I being naive? I never was good at maths or economy related things.... lol

    Would that cause an issue with the worth of the L$? 

    I dunno...shooting from the hip... :D 

  23. Beth Marama wrote:

    several years ago i had a few items on slx... over the years i removed all but one of them... which was selling pretty good untill recently when it just stopped selling.  i looked into it and found that my magic box doesnt work anymore, i have to come make a new listing for it.


    so i uploaded my item through the avatar menu, and followed the link to make a listing for it.  to my surprise, theres all my slx listings from years ago...


    making a new listing for my item didnt work... i got this message

    1 error prohibited this product from being saved

    There were problems with the following fields:

    Master inventory has already been taken

    i dont know what that means, and i coudlnt find anything that explained it... so i figured id just delete all my listings and remake the one i want to use, but theres no way to do that.


    I found your thread by searching Google for this error code and decided I would explain what it means as I learned by farting about.

    The physical item you have listed with the marketplace listing is "taken" by another listing active or inactive.

    In short, the box of folder of content you sent via Merchant Outbox has already been listed with another listing.

    You need to click the "Edit associated object" button again and find the folder (or box) you wish to replace the current one with.


    I had added an updated folder I wished to replace for objects with the wrong perms on a MP listing but it took 15 minutes before it became available in the list when you press the "Edit Associated Object" button so please wait a while


    Also, rename is EXACTLY like the object you already have listed but I just added a * at the end of the object name so I could tell which one was the new and correct version from the list. Then I deleted the old one from my MP listings.


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