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Riya Cloud

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Posts posted by Riya Cloud

  1. 6 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Trust me, many of us feel as you do!  There are some wonderful creators who sell items on the Marketplace that adapt and expand each of the Linden Home themed houses and items for the Mediterraneans are beginning to appear (though I have not looked to see what is available since before the holidays.)  Try searching for "Mediterranean" and sort by "Newest First".  Happy hunting!

    Thank you Leora have been watching marketplace like a hawk waiting to pounce on something that would undoubtedly set my place apart from every other Mediterranean house in the neighborhood but to no avail there's still nothing that catches my eye, and then I think oooh maybe I should learn blender and make something tried last week to learn and got frustrated and my computer's life flashed before my eyes and figured I should not try to learn Blender quickly or else my MSI might live a very short life......🤣🤣🤣

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  2. Boy oh boy I was always wondering how to talk about myself but here goes nothing and praying I don't fall flat on my face, but I happened to come to Second Life when I was playing another virtual reality game called There.com. Someone there mentioned Second Life and I had to try it out and it was in the early year of 2005, Babyangel Surtees was my first avi, I wondered around the grid lost and confused and eventually abandoned Second Life till I came back in middle of 2006 and have been hoping around the grid since then. Quite haven't found my place in Second Life and wonder what keeps me coming back.

    My real life job keeps me secluded as I travel quite a bit and only see people when I am outside my vehicle. So I guess this really is the only true way I can reach out and have some sort of normal social life even though the joys and heartaches seem to hit harder than in real life, but one day I hope to find myself amongst family in SL, until then I'll keep giving the grid he double hockeysticks. So before anyone asks what my real life job is I am a relocation specialist and maintain weird hours of work.

    Here's a picture from my office!

    The View from my office.jpg

    • Like 7
  3. On 1/2/2024 at 12:21 PM, Kylie Jaxxon said:

    Getting there slowly....still need to work on bedroom & bath...





    I am simply awe struck on most of you lovely people who have turned the homes into cute cozy little homes......I'm hoping that some kind of inspiration comes to me while I'm cruising through the pics........Amazing job @Kylie Jaxxon

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  4. On 1/2/2024 at 11:19 PM, Enola Dethly said:

    I still need to fill most rooms with knick knacks but if I can help with giving ideas on how you could fill your spaces in the Primavera these might help ♥

    kitchen med_006.png

    kitchen med_007.png

    kitchen med_008.png

    kitchen med_012.png

    WOW Simply gorgeous and I feel like I've hit a creative block here designing the Mediterranean style home, I am a pin drop away from giving up this home and going back to my ranch..........

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. So since I've been premium member and  had almost every house, my question is why don't they add like extra pieces to create walls and what not so that way a person could truly create a unique look. I've tried building with prims and for whatever reason that look like a sore thumb trying to fit it.

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  6. On 10/29/2021 at 11:45 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

    My Outfits folder is my go-to for putting on a look these days, because assembling a new Outfit takes so much longer than it used to. Once I have clothing I like, and have accessorized it and added hair and makeup, I'll save the whole thing as an Outfit.

    My Outfits folder is organized like this:

    1. General type: Casual dresses, dressy dresses, cocktail dresses, formal wear, swimwear, casual pants outfits, dressy pants outfits, business outfits. One for costumes, too.
    2. Within each general type, outfits are divided by season: Spring, summer, fall, winter
    3. Each outfit's name includes:
      1. General description: Long sleeved, ruffled, knit, wrap dress, etc. etc.
      2. Color
      3. Name and/or maker's name
      4. Info about body or head


    So I am needing clarification on the outfits folder are you talking about the System Outfits Folder or are you talking about one you made, guess I am just trying to see if that can also be organized too in the Outfits

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