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wiked Anton

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Posts posted by wiked Anton

  1. I took my 8 year old kids swimming at the local public pool. we  were playing a game, i threw a 20cent piece to the bottom of the pools and we all took turns at diving for it. on my turn i sam passed a hard submersible turd, with some gooy entrails. i shut my mouth and swam for the top, got out and too the kids to another pool. when i told the attendant that parents were letting their babies **bleep** in the pool, he got his net out (usually used for leaves) and scooped it up and threw it in the garden. in my country they are supposed to get everyone out, and empty the pool, clean it and refill it. we never went back to that pool, totally yuuk

  2. 1) Yes you can live it as a scond life, many do. Have jobs and businesses. there are many RL business that have set up businesses in here. you can get a job, earn $L to pay for all those things you want.

    2) there is anything you can imagine to do. but it will take you some months and maybe years to explore all of it. there are also things like setting up you "client" to your liking (thats your veiwer) you do that in prefferances 

    3) you dont HAVE to spend RL money, but it will take you longer. you can get $L given to you but you may need a premium account, which means you pay a little per year. THen if you stay away for a while it is highly likely you come back and find a few thousand $L in your account.

    4)these "rooms" are regions or clubs. there are furry clubs, but it may take you a while. there is a lot of neat stuff such as scripts and scripted "clothing" you can buy and make if you are computer savvy enough. It will take you quite some time to learn to make you own stuff, so if you want it all at once, you will just have to pay someone else for their stuff. 

    5) there are 18+ regions also, you have to enable your client to visit adult regions and you have to BE over 18 as well. but once you are there you can experience even virtual; sex if you want to. but you will need to buy a genital package if you going for realism. the experience is totally up to you and how far you want to go with it

    6)yes, you can make you own, but unless you an accompliched graphic desighner, it may take you some time before you can make anything good enough to satisfy you. there are many tutorials that you can view but you will need patience as it will take a long time. so unless you patient, you will have to pay someone else for there stuff while you train yourself.

    7) $L you will have to a) pay for by pay pal or c/c or debit vard, b) earn, c) get premium account and be patient and build up a bank account

    have fun and i hope you enjopy your experience in SL. but if you are in a rush to have it all now without it costing you, then perhaps you should find yourself a different "game"...good luck



  3. Gee, maybe I am naive to think they gave a **bleep**, but suddenly, I am questioning why I ever gave a **bleep** when there are arseholes like you as advisors. Ignorant I am not, but i think you are. so wise in the world of SL, is that all you do all day? thanks for nothing at all

  4. when is LL going to put a stop to this kind of nuisance posting. My email get filled with up with hundreds of emails from community forums every day. I know i could easily opt out, but i want to keep in touch with SL issues. surely LL could write a programm and that anyone posting more the 2 or 3 posts in a minute be banned. surely it couldnt be that hard. I know making forums inaccessible to newbys wouldnt work. I am really getting sick of recieving these hundreds of emails a day, especially when my phone is constantly making sounds at work. I still need to hear my phone to so turning it down is also not the answer, besides, why should I give up anything when I am not the one being the niusance. Sl forums nuisances

  5. thanks but already did/knew this. got rid of my land (even posted a question about when the best time to get rid of my land would be) as i owned land for so long i had forgoten how the billing cycle went. I studied on it long and hard when i first bought land about 3 years ago,b ut since then had forgotten. However, I will wait until next month and see if i get ripped again

  6. I want to give you my full support and congratulate you on your mature decision to stay away from Sl, especially since you recognized your dependance to it. Yes, anything can be psychologically addictive and if one succumbs to it, feeds and nurtures it, then it will take over and finally destroy ones life. You took the first (and hardest) step, which is to recognize you have a problem. FB is also in theis cataogory, so be careful not to swap one for the other, tricking yourself into thinking I am out of Sl, but i will just catch up with some friends on FB. Any kind of psychological dependance WILL drag one down and destroy one mentally, taking away ones ability to make good personal decisions regarding social (real) interactions with family, friend and even strangers. we need all of these types of interactions to make us whole. Not everyone can limit themselves with things like SL, online games (SL isnt a game but a virtual world) and to have done this means you have found your inner strength, been able to make the decision and follow it through. once again, congratulations, maybe one day you will be able to return to SL for short, visits without it draggin you back in. Your studies sound great and will keep you busy for a long time. good luck in your new life and may many wonderful things happen to you. I wonder how many people reading this could also tear themselves away instead of making excuses to stay involved in such a hardcore way. I dont gt addicted to anything as my thirst for life is too strong anf i get bored easily.

  7. I would suggest that since re-installing Win7 all your drivers are out of date. try updateing ALL your drivers, as you will have lost ALL you OS updates, driver updates, programm updates. Don't use windows update as it is useless, there is a program called driver update by slimwear that is very good for seeking out out of date drivers, finding the updates and installing them without any trouble. hope you get it fixed up. good luck with it

  8. as was said, besides getting tch support from the merchant where you bought it (or the creator) you will need to find a place that allows you to fire weapons. where a sim has a "no damage" policy, you will not beable to fire it. Yes, like real life, you need to go to a special place, you cant just shoot your gun off anywhere. sandpits are one place where you can fire weapons.


  9. what would be great is, if they could address the fact that a person can make an avatar, and then on the same day, send me 150 emails a day via community mailer about some whore they are trying to rent out in mumbai. I leave the community mailer on so i can stay atuned to community issues, and when i get home from work, I will have over 152 emails, 150 about mumbai whores, and 2 about real issues. It is THIS kind of unattended rubbish that is driving me and my business away from SL. already stopped doing business and sold my land.

  10. according to the bible (you should read it if your concerned about it) if you contemplate on it then its as good as doing it, so if in SL you doing something and your contemplating about it, then you have answered your own question. the fact that you even asked means you have already condemmed yourself and maybe seeking approval, or something to justify your actions. people really need to read the bible if they want to live by it or condemm others for trying to live by it.

  11. SL IS, after all, a make belive world, if they want to add the that fantasy with " age and voice verified" then why should anyone call them a lier. after all, MOST in SL would not be what they claim to be, hence the name "secondlife" not first life.

    as Juan said, LL used to age verify, ( i did this) but you only have to borrow your dads license number to be verified and voice verify is just talking to them on voice, which presents its own problems. Just remember that SL is all make believe, even "proof" of anything in SL.

  12. Syo said it soooo well. as in Rl, if you want money you will actually have to work hard for it. if you want easy RL money, sell your computer, buy a gun and rob a bank, the only people in SL that make any kind of money not only build, scipt and design, but also invest huge amounts of time in SL doing.

  13. I dont see how the batenender made a mistake. if her boobs "appear" naked or are naked, then he has the right to eject . if they appear naked to him, then they appear naked to others also, and obviosly he has a no nakedness rule ( just like if you walked into my bad with transparent clothes I would throw you out of there too)

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