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Myth Valeska

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Posts posted by Myth Valeska

  1. So I generally love my LeLutka EvoX head (Avalon) but I'm not super thrilled about the ears. Are there any good mesh ears out there? I checked out the MP a little and saw some by L'Etre. Any other recommendations?

  2. Hello! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Trying to do BOM for Lara X. I enabled it in the HUD, took off my body alpha, put on a BOM skin AND..........my body is invisible. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

  3. So I've accepted the fact that I kinda suck at terraforming. My question is how do I (a terraforming idiot) know if it's because I suck and don't know what I'm doing to get the desired effect or it's just not possible due to possible land restrictions? I do have mainland waterfront and I'm trying to raise my land along my water front just a bit and can't seem to get there. Is there a SL Terraforming master class???? lol Pic below my land extends underwater to the start of that ugly green thing. Any help appreciated.


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  4. Hello! SO I had this bumper attachment called MrEploit's Super Kick Bumper. If someone runs into you it kicks you far away or some such.....the thing is it kicks me when I walk around and bump my couch lol The frustrating part is that I thought I didn't have it attached anymore and it doesn't show on my current outfit and it actually does show up when I search for it in my inventory either, but I keep getting tossed up to my second floor on the regular :o( I've tried Avatar Health Stop Animations and revoke permissions but that hasn't helped. Not sure what to do...........anyone?? Thanks. Oh and I get this when I get tossed:


    WTF How DO I get rid of this.png

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