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Tamar Luminos

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Posts posted by Tamar Luminos

  1. With the new pricing set up by LL allowing Grandfathered sims to remain at $195/mo, with a $600 transfer fee,
    (info here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Decreased-Land-Set-Up-Fees-and-Changes-to-Transferring-Regions/ba-p/2978049)

    I'm looking to see if anyone has a Grandfathered full sim for rent/sale at a reasonable rate.


    I'd be willing to buy for $1000 ($600 for the transfer fee, $400 profit), or rent for $14,000L/week.


    Please contact in world, Tamar Luminos.  Thanks!

  2. Well, my first post to the Second Life Forums has been very informative!  Things I have learned:

    People love to snark, **bleep**, complain about other peoples' posts and generally be extremely condescending/rude/unwelcoming to others in this particular venue.

    Instead of attempting to be helpful and/or informative, people will snark, complain, condescend, and then hijack the thread to parts unknown because hey, their own thoughts/opinons/questions are far more important than anyone else's.

    Nobody has any idea about what I asked, only a vague reference that Ebbe made about "adjusting land prices" and other costs in SL (which I read in the other giant thread as I've been following info on the new platform out of interest but was hoping if I pulled this one topic out for further discussion, it might be a bit more informative.  I was apparently wrong.)

    Guess I'll just go back to playing in SL and avoiding the forums here.  Y'all have fun with yourselves.

  3. My biggest beef with SL is how prohibitively expensive sims are to buy and pay tier on.  Has anyone heard anything about whether sims might be more reasonably priced in SL 2.0?  That would be a big incentive for me to jump ship, gotta say.


    1k down and 300/mo. is ridiculous.  I'd jump happily if it was cut down to something more reasonable like 100 down and 50/month.  Also, I wonder if there's any consideration of cutting SL 1.0's land prices once SL 2.0 gets off the ground?  Either way- prices are way too high and that would be a big consideration as to where I played, personally.

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