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Dragonlady Boa

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Posts posted by Dragonlady Boa

  1. I was in IMVU on the Access pass council, or the APC. we were trying to get the adults some freedom. When IMVU screwed us all over, one of the APC members and My best friend Bliss, brought me over to SL, and I brought over other members, we have loved it ever since. thankfully we don't have top pay to TP anymore, and no more box heads or hair butts LOL. First and foremost, i am a builder.

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  2. my my computewr will not let me video in sl without major lag. but here is me
    SL is a platform for me to be able to continue making things that are beautiful. because I am denied that in real life due to medical conditions. One day I would love someone to create my designs in real life. When i build I feel less diabled and more poductive. if I can't build my dreams, I am lost and bored LOL. even though I don't interact in sl with others (I am a reclusive builder since my partner is no longe in sl) I still love donating items to people, good causes, teaching building to those that ask me and seeing what people do with my designs. especially seeing what they do! so much creativity in sl, I hope it never ends

  3. fix this. I have deleted the images from the 6 products you shown me, I go to my merchant area and find the an ENTIRE PAGE of my listinbgs has been DEACTIVATED. I have to go with the laggy option of hitting LIST on eacvh item. And I lsit them aty 100 per page! AND to make matters WORSE the 6 items you originally sent me the corrections on, AREN"T EVEN IN MY LISTINGS AT ALL, not even in inactive they are just COMPLETELY GONE> What did you do and what do you intend to do oon fixing this?

  4. if changing the language doesn;t help. make sure you are on the ground and not logged into the marketplace. Before I was logged in, and in my skybox, then I logged out, and tried it while still in my skybox, once I got to the ground and tried it again, it went through fine!

  5. all of them have been failed from me. And the reason I say decided to screw with something is because there is some new beta thing being tested, and until now I have not had any problems with failed deliveries. So this week alone, i have lost 6 sales. I'm thinking about just making a disclaimer in the product pages to either hit the inworld store, or buy now instead of carting items. With SLX this wasn't a problem.

  6. Ah thank god. She keeps telling me that I need to be premium to buy a private island, but I thought she was a little confused, because when she first bought the island, she also bought a mainland region as well at the same time! Didn't last long LOL. She went from rabbits, to horses, to selling quick!

  7. I refuse to crucify all who use it. as I know several people who DID use it, and took it down when they were told EVERYTHIGN it does. Including the database that is unsecured that scans ALL people. and not just for copybots. Many many have taken it down, and don't believe the 22K users that has been bandied around. I have hardly come across rz sims in my wide travels.

  8. Moana Paradise rentals
    +++misc info about pricing+++
     You MAY use a security orb IN YOUR SKYBOX, as long as it is set properly. Your skybox is a 20x20, your orb is NOT allowed to scan a 50M or above scan range. this is to protect yourself as well as other residents. We do NOT allow the use of Redzone or anything that Alt detects. If you are caught using such a program or item, you will be asked ot remove it. if you do NOT remove it, we WILL. If you put it back out after it is taken down, you will be kicked with no refund and banned from the islands. We are sorry, but we take our visitors security and privacy very seriously, and redzone violates everyone's privacy.

    Now, if you are still reading at this point, Welcome to Moana!


    my blurb in my rental spots.

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