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Abby10 Lenroy

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Posts posted by Abby10 Lenroy

  1. Hello everyone!

    I'm looking for places that sell good to high quality egyptian statues that are either in mesh or sculpt.(Let's face it prims are too sharp)

    I've been looking long and hard but haven't been able to find any place that is satisfying!

    So please, if you have any ideas as to where I can get some let me know!!


    Thanks in advance!

  2. I agree with you that the Occupy ........ movements all around the world have a solid point. But let me ask you this question, when people create a movement that says they are the 99% of the population, why are there only 1% of the 99% showing up to protest?


    In countrys like Canada who has a middle class thats very good where it is, people don't have much to complain about. In some parts of the world, the demands of this movement make much more sence and are very well based then in other parts.

    The U.S. is the perfect example of social inequalities and even to say political inequalities. The change can only happen if everyone was to rally.

    The movements around the world are still to develop, some might fade away while others intensifie.


    As for SL, I don't have problems with merchants. My wife shops more then I do and whenever she has a problem with a merchant, she gets help within a very reasonable amount of time!

  3. Me & my wife are premium members, and our tickets are always getting answer real quick. All the tickets that we send in get a response within the next 24 hours. Sometimes within the next 12 hours. And sometimes right after it went in the system.

    My experience with LL support has always been good, never bad. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but we still get the answers. And we dont live in the US.

  4. I was happy to be able to pay my Tier fees!

    And as for the Linden part, I can wait a lil longer, don't need much L$ for now!


    Just glad LL didnt freeze my account because the system didnt charge me, but its all clear!


    @entity0x : Linden Labs told you their is an issue, and they are working to fix it. So a "theft charge" might seem useless. You file those in when a company refuses to give you the services that you payed for. Linden Labs doesn't refuse to give you them, they are just sayin wait untill we can fix the bugs that are happening.

  5. I am left to wonder, why didn't you downgrade your account on the website?

    It is the only way to stay out of trouble. And I believe you were not very well informed on how it all works. 

    One of the first things you should of done was to check how you cancel a contract that you pay for, that way you make sure that when you don't want to pay for it anymore, it can be easier to cancel.


    And I have a premium account, and i use lots of land, and i love it. I dont think that your experience brings "down" the value of Premium account. Linden Lab gives us ways to downgrade our accounts, but if we don't downgrade the account, they will need to charge your account because you didn't ask to get downgraded.


    Sorry to hear that this happens to you, but I think that if you have a good Skin Business, you should be able to make enough money to pay off the 72$ they are asking for with no problem!


    Good luck!

  6. Actually, I might have the answer to your problem. My wife has a Mac, and she could not log in usin SL V 2.6.3.

    There is a known issue with it. So your best bet right now is to get V 2.2. Why V 2.2? Because if you get V 2.6.2 it will end up continously asking you to upgrade! It is very ridiculous, but what can you do?


    As for now, I hope LL will get to it soon. Seems many others have the same issue.

  7. How it works; when you buy land on the main land, you pay tier. And also you need to be a premium member, but if you ask me, it pays itself off because LL gives you the weekly stipendy.


    Now as for a 16 384 sqm parcel, the pricing depends on the location of the land, what are the components and if sim is active.

    My wife & I payed around 8.39L$/sqm for our 16 384 sqm land.(around L$137, 500)

    But our 16k has some quiet great things. It has a beach theme. It has a great sunset view, and the sim, is a low lag sim.


    So really, the pricing depends on where the land is.

  8. I don't know why people complain, when me & my wife submit support tickets, we usually get an answer within 24 hours. We even had a Linden assist my wife in fixing some problems she was having, and the responses were every 6 hours.

    It started off at the low level, but then the customer support sent it up to a higher level where it was a Linden who was helping us. And the Linden was doing nearly everything he could to help us out.


    Many people complain about the customer service that Linden Labs gives, but to be honest, I have never had any problems with customer support.

  9. When I was still part of the Teen Grid, I used to play Habbo Hotel. Back then, they needed to merge the Hotels together in order to not lose money. CA hotel merged with the US hotel and so on. That is one of the reasons Sulake is making profit from this VW.

    Second, Sulake, Owner of Habbo, doesn't allow it's residents to withdraw the currency which is known as Coins. So the company retains 100% of everything that goes in to the game.

    Third, Habbo is a virtual world that is dedicated to Teens. Teens did not get affected much by the economy, and if they did, I dont think its a very important thing.


    As for IMVU. I don't believe it is a game that you can compare to SL. IMVU is quiet an easy to use platform. You chat in rooms and you can change your clothes.


    Linden Labs way to market Second Life is terrible. I think they should be changing the Marketing team as soon as possible because Vampire and the Animal campaign are well not at all describing what SL is.


    There should seriously be a lot of investement in Product Developpement asap because while they try to bring more people in, the game won't be able to hold up for long. The lagg is an issue, the sim crossing and along with the long list of things that need to be fixed should be on LL's top priority.

  10. Nobody looks at the RL markets to try to compare them with the SL markets. Let me explain: People that play Second Life are humans. These humans have jobs. These jobs bring money. Now, with the real world economy in the recovery mode(depending which case) the unemployment rate goes down.


    People have less money to spend for VW's because they need to cover the costs of the real world in order to survive the real world to be able to play in a virtual world.

    With the inflation, things cost more. And the more the food costs, the more you need to spend, the more you take out of your SL budget to cover the basic needs.


    I am not saying it's their fault and I am not saying it's not their fault.


    If your sales are low, i dont think you can blame LL for it. Look in the RL, and see whats going on there. Because once again, IT IS the Real Life economy that fuels the Second Life economy.

  11. I think this place is about discussing land in general, i doubt we can post ads because there are categorys specially for that, but hmm...

    I assume someone needs to start off with a question?

    How about this one;

    Are land prices going down or are they actually going up?

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