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Todd Sage

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  1. I believe this will be my first post on the forums, so congratulations to me....I Have been playing SL since 2006 and have owned a few stores selling breedable pets. Owned a club even, *shutters at the thought of how bad that went* I am now trying to look for something long term....it does not need to make me millions of dollars but just needs to give me some extra cash to buy my needs in secondlife as well as something to do. Now onto a couple of plans of mine. A)Auction House.... I was thinking about auctions lately, since lately everyone has been having what I call "auction fever" from T.V. shows like Storage Wars, why not open up an auction house in secondlife....there are several things you could auction and services as well. I have seen people auction breedable pets and have heard of "Adult" rated auctions....both seem to be quite popular, they use you as a service and you charge a comission or take a percentage of how much the item went for. B) Child Adoption Agenecy...As a full fledged child avatar for all my life in second life ive seen not only how popular these have become but have also used this service as myself. It seems natural that when a couple forms in SL they are excited to have a child, adoption centers caiter to this....but not exactly when you go to a real life adoption center its not just "here fill out this form and we will ship you a child in a box in 3-5 business days....instead why not open an adoption agency that plays more like match-making having parents come in describe what they are seeking have children do the same and see if we can match them. (sure adoption agencys do this now but not on a personal level....for example why cant adoption center staff actually consult parents and kids through the process, check on things make sure everyone is happy ect....adoption centers should have more of that service like feel we wont stop til we find the perfect match for you. C) Wedding planners......allthough these are a dime a dozen they are still popular and with having added options like video you can really have an edge in the competition and couples may chose you for these extra services. Weddings are still very popular and can range in price Brides and Grooms want it to be a day to remember and will pay for that. I have more ideas in mind but this is a pretty good start, I am trying to see if I can find a partner willing to go in with me....I am not a very skilled builder or scripter which is why I think servicing people in Second Life is my best route.....finding the right service is the real question and the right person to go in with....so lemme know what you all think. Now I am not expecting someone to just hop into my arms and willing to start a business with me a total stranger...but I am hopeful in at least exploring here to find someone as well as trying my best effort to get something started for me in Second Life.....hehe and if you don't wanna go but already have a business or need workers shoot im for hire :)
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