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Nicola Lierfatte

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  1. Hi Rohana, Thanks for the reply. I am aware of the issue that you mention and that is not what I am experiencing. The issue isn't that I am missing the exact spelling (including case sensitive) but when the exact spelling includes a space in the name AVSitter does not seem to recognize it and wants to truncate the animation name to only what come before any space. To provide an example: I open the AVpos notecard in a piece of furniture that I have purchased and works fine. Say one of the POSE statements references an animation called "sit 1". All works fine with this furniture I have purchased. Now I take that exact same POSE statement and copy it into a piece I am working on, and I also of course include the animation "sit 1" in my piece. If I do this I will get an error message saying 'can't find animation sit' as it is not recognizing the space between 'sit' and '1'. If I rename the animation to sit1 to eliminate the space and also change the POSE statement to reflect the name change then it all works fine - but for the life of me I cannot get it to recognize the full correct name of any animation that has a space in the name. I've had at least one other person reach out to me and say they are having the same issue so at least I don't feel like I'm the only crazy one. Just to reiterate - I created an AVSitter project a few months back with about 20 animations. It works fine. I know how to make AVSitter work - but the only way was to take the spaces out of any animation names I used. I was able to do that and I can continue to do that - it just seems ridiculous that I have to do this, especially as I see others do not.
  2. I apologize if this has been asked many times before but I have done many searches and have found nothing in either the AVsitter online documentation nor here. It seems very basic so I'm a bit perplexed. All of the AVSitter examples and tutorials I can find use an example animation with a name that is contiguous with no spaces, such as 'sit1'. Most animations I have often have a space between the name such as 'sit 1'. This space creates an issue when I build my own menus but doesn't seem to be an issue when I peek under the hood of many other pieces of furniture I have purchased that use the exact same AVSitter system and scripts. When I look at the notecards of furniture I've purchased I see plenty of POSE statements with animations with a space such as: POSE F5|[RNP] Sit #139_Deep seat sofa_Female I added the above pose statement to a piece of furniture I purchased and it worked fine. However, if I create my own from scratch - and try the exact same statement - I get an error message of : Could not find animation '[RNP]' I've been forced to concatenate all animation names to make it work which seems ridiculous to me - and especially so given that I can see clearly that others don't have to do this. I have all of the required scripts in place. I've tried everything I can think of and am stuck. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Thank you so much Rolig & Tessa!!! I will take a look and if I can figure out Tessa's suggestion I'll post it here. Also my good scripting guru Biran just suggested the following as well, using the gridsurvey api: "you can also query the API on x/y co-ords, so api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php?xy=1037,966 returns my home region of <name>, but calling api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php?xy=1036,966 returns the next sim over. and the API also returns the sim status as well!" I think I'm going to start with Tessa's suggestion. I'm not sure I want to rely upon grid survey as it's external and may disappear perhaps?
  4. I'm trying to find a way in my script to determine the names of the regions adjacent to the one I'm currently in - those directly N, E, S, & W of me. I'm currently using llEdgeOfWorld to determine if a region exists next to me but I'm looking to expand this functionality to include regions that 'don't exist' because they are offline. I thought I could use llRequestSimulatorData if I know the region name but I'm stuck on a good way to get the names. Any thoughts/help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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