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Blondie Armendariz

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Posts posted by Blondie Armendariz

  1. Thank you! ... You explained all the pricing structure perfectly.  :-)  I am sorry too, if I have posted the same kind of question in more than one spot.

    I still need help finding available listings for land that can be purchased with a premium acct.    It is very time consuming to go thru the Destination Guide, redo the search each time,  and end up with very few choices.  MOST of the land for purchase has nothing to do with a premium acct.,  and it's difficult to find plots that are  512/1024 in size -- most are much larger OR for rent...  that's easy to find.  LOL

    I'll just keep looking if there's not a better way - just thought I might be missing something.

    Again, thanks much for your response & help!

  2. Hi .. I spent a great deal of time yesterday searching via the web, and thru the destination guide in SL...

    I found maybe two choices of land that fit into the catagory I am looking for,  neither of which were exactly what I wanted (which is understandable).

    It seems much easier to find land to rent,  or land for sale where you do NOT need a premium acct.

    If anyone has any tips for this - please post.

    I am hoping to find a parcel sized 1024 that is located in a mostly residential area, and hopefully by the water.  I have a premium acct., which should take care of part of the tier (right?)...  and it looks like it would cost an addL $5.00 a month for that size, but allows more prims.  If I find such a parcel,  I buy the land from seller, and LL automatically charges my acct the addL 5 dollars for tier?

    thanks in advance

  3. I was unable to rez / use my SL Internet Radio @ my Linden home last night - it kept telling me "Did not rez,  Please try again"

    This was different than the message I got when I tried to rez up my mediation fountain thing... that message was "Can not rez, not allowed",

    and I made sure I have prims left ... so...

    My only conclusion is,  radios are not compatible with Linden homes????

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I'm curious about something...    I've seen Nike shoes in SL .. but not often, do I find name brands - for obvious copyright issues.

    Are those who sell the Nike getting permission to do so,  or just hoping they don't get caught?  What is the official rule?

    I figured out how to make paintings for the walls in my house.  Can I put anything I want up, or does it have to be an original work?

    Thanks in advance.

  5. I have a Linden home, and I know that it takes up basically all the 512m space I get from my premium acct.

    However,  to adjust settings - change access list etc.,   I have to FIND a peice of land that is not considered "park,  protected land".

    It takes me a good 15 tries at least to finally get close enough to the house but not click ON the house to find the sliver of land that is mine and not covered by my house.

    Any tricks out there for this one?  I like to change who can come over based on what we plan to do - and this becomes quite annoying after awhile.  LOL

    PS .  I have two houses, one on which I rent the land - and it's VERY easy to change the land settings....

    Thanks in advance!!

  6. I got the two inventory windows to open... gawd!   I'm not just a newb, but a blonde newb!  LOL

    Thanks again for all the help!...    it just keeps getting better. 

  7. I get that everything in my inventory is stored on some server .. maybe @ Linden Labs.  I certainly do not want to violate the terms of service, or steal anyone’s creations.  I respect how much time and effort it takes to make the items in SL,  and hope to make some of my own someday.

    That being said… here’s the thing.  Stuff is disappearing from my inventory.  I will admit in some cases it may well be my fault,  because I’m new at this – maybe I accidentally deleted something.  But .. I’ve been very careful not to delete things I paid actual money for.  And if I pay real money to buy these clothes, then why can’t I put them in my own closet (in this case some form of back up).  If they are safe on the server,  what makes them stolen if I was able to back them up somehow – just in case they poof on me.   That’s what I was trying to fix --- not to mention, it would be a heck of a lot easier to organize.

    I still can’t seem to get two windows to open, but I’ll keep trying! 

  8. Quote:  DR Dahlgren

    Jun 3, 2010 10:49 PM transparent.pngin response to: Travis Greyhound

    Re: How do i get a job? Print yourself up a nice sign.. WILL WORK FOR LINDENS... and find yourself a high traffic area to stand at. If you use your map, you can see where there are a lot of dots. Those are people. I would suggest a crowded spot on Zindra to start with.


    Hi ...  I am sorry to go off topic but,  I'm really lost on that map with the green dots.  I can never seem to find one with a lot of dots.  It seems to show the surrounding area,  and when I zoom out .. I only see a few dots here and there.  Am I doing something wrong? 

    PS - I posted a similar question in newbs, but I am not confused about using the Destination guide - that works great but does not tell u where people actually are.  Also,  I tried Phoenix, and it has a radar that shows you people nearby, but how can you tell if they are at a club or alone?  Again,  I want to find real live people to chat with but at the same time,  I don't want to teleport into a love nest ... or some place I shouldnt.  :-)

  9. Thank you Jennifur & Lindal !!!

    I will try opening a second window for the inventory so I can drag and drop ... that sounds like it will help a LOT!!!! 

    I'm also curious about the various viewers, so I will try those as well...  when I get home from work.



    You guys are the best!!!  Thanks for helping me!!!

  10. As a newb,  I only just discovered there is more than one way to use SL ... or at least I am guessing this is true.  What is the best viewer?  How many choices are there? Where do you get the other ones?

    And ...  Can you take items from inventory and put on your hard drive - in any of them?  I hate trying to organize that inventory ... the window won't even slide over.

    I think I'm in 2.1 ... considering how new to this I am .....  and that I downloaded it right from the SL main page.

    Thanks for any advice!!

  11. I am looking to get a piece of land that I can eventually build on, where I can lock out anyone not on my friends list, and where my friends can come anytime to rez up (open boxes,  get dressed).  So far,  it seems like the only thing available for the premium acct is a linden home and my friends can rez there.  

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