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Ducky Fingerpin

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Everything posted by Ducky Fingerpin

  1. I've got similar issues Emili. I filed a ticket yesterday but unfortunately it seems support aren't able to help and I now need to file a bug report. I feel your pain and I wish you luck in getting it resolved.
  2. I received a prompt reply asking for more information which I've provided in the form of screenshots. Real life prevents me checking responses and mail from support for the next few hours but at least I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it's not an oncoming train :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I've never had to use either the forums or support before but so far both members and support have been fabulous! Will keep this thread updated with any help from support in the hope I can maybe stop someone else with the same issues from tearing their hair out lol
  3. So pleased your issues have been resolved Czari. Your response made me double check the items just in case I was missing something obvious but alas not lol. I've just filed a support ticket and hopefully I too will be up and running with these products in no time!
  4. I haven't listed a new product in absolutely ages, everything was available in my marketplace store via magic box delivery and I have only experienced this issue since trying to convert to direct delivery. It's been going on for about 5 days now and I am unable to activate products either while editing or in the inventory list. If I could work out how to file a support ticket I might do that too .....
  5. Please can someone help me before I go completely bald! I started the process of migrating delivery from magic box to direct and for the first 30 or so items everything went well and these items are listed in my store as available. However, I now have numerous direct delivery items I am unable to list because the check box to list the items is grey and won't allow me to click it. I have tried deleting the items from my magic box, putting them back in again and re-associating to magic box, re-sending them from inventory through merchant outbox and re-associating them to direct delivery, all to no avail. I know I'm blonde and therefore by nature quite dumb but I just can't figure out what the problem is. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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