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Games Deluxe

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Posts posted by Games Deluxe

  1. Indeed Qie.

    These are 2 private regions side by side packed with game machines but otherwise very well maintained when it comes to scripts, mega prims and textures.

    The region affected was the region with 2000 scripts, and an average of 1.500-2.000 traffic.

    What puzzles me even more is that the other region has an average 12.000-16.000 traffic and 3500 scripts and wasn't affected by the same issue. (it still has pathfinding enabled though i dont use it)

    There's some region crossing from the busiest region into the one that was affected.. other than that, I don't know what else could be causing it. But there's also region crossing from the less busy region into the other one, so it remains a mistery.

    I'm just happy that it's fixed you know.. I spent 2 months of tickets back and forward, being told everything was fine (which I found insulting to say the least) and it was something I could've fixed all by myself from the start.

    I really owe you Renae, if there's anything I can ever do to retribute the help please let me know.


  2. Hi Renae,  I don't want to jinx it but so far so good!

    It's been 24h since the last restart and so far the region is running normal. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for a couple more days but if it stays like this 48h more, then I'll owe you one!

    I'm surprised that in almost 2 months of tickets back and forward no one from support suggested disabling Pathfinding but if this fixs it for good, I'll let them know so they maybe help others with the same issues.

    Will update this thread in a couple of days *fingers crossed*


  3. Thank you so much Renae. One of the Lindens assisting the Case said he did the navmesh rebake thing and restarted the region after but to no improvement, though disabling the pathfinding wasn't mentioned.


    I'll follow your instructions and post an update.


    Again, thank you so much for trying to help out!

  4. Hello,

    I've been trying to deal with a server memory leak issue? (nothing else comes to my mind on what's causing it)  since January but unfortunatelly no solution has been found and I'm getting a bit desperate. I've tried getting help through the support channel but I'm not having any luck, so I'm hoping someone experienced can feed me some inputs on things to try or how to handle it.


    Here's what's going on:

    Region: Deluxe Games II (private region with an adjacent region)

    Main issue: SIM FPS and PHYSICS FPS - will not go over 43 FPS.  Time dilation will not go over 0.95. 

    Description: When I (or LL) restarts the region, all SIM Stats go to normal. A few hours later, the SIM FPS and PHYSICS FPS drop to 43 and stay at 43 or below constantly. It does not move up to 45FPS. Same with time dilation, it drops to 0.95 or below constantly and will not move up to 0.999.

    Initially when I detected this in January, it was at 41 FPS constantly and 0.93 time dilation. I don't know how long this had already started happening.

    Server details:

    7000 prims (8000 avaliable)

    2000 active scripts ( 14 ms spare time)

    No megaprims, no sim extenders, no temp on rez objects (only when requested to teleport, less than 20 times per day)

    Traffic: 1236 - Visitors: 20 to 40 per day

    Parcels: 1

    Region crossing: Frequent

    Settings: No scripts / No building or entering objects / No voice / No pushing

    Textures: a few 1024*1024 but used responsably.

    Audio enabled, Media disabled.

    Mesh: 50 objects (9 prims each)

    Overall: "lightly loaded" (according to a LL employee)


    Other than a server memory leak, is there anything else that would come to your minds on what's causing it? Has anyone else been in a very similar situation?


    sim stats snapshot

    Deluxe Games II - SIM Stats - March 13th 10:54 PM

  5. I thought you should know that..  

    Grandfathered pricing

    Some older regions have "grandfathered" or discounted pricing on their monthly maintenance fees.  In February 2010, it was announced that these grandfathered maintenance fees would no longer be offered and that changing ownership or converting a grandfathered region would change its maintenance fee to the current monthly rate for its region type.



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