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Cryptic Wonder

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Everything posted by Cryptic Wonder

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: Your statement does make me wonder what's going on. I have no idea what it could be, but I'm thinking there might be some connection between the spammer's targets (I am assuming we're talking about the spammer d'jour: mmook). Clearly it's not a blanket attack on my.secondlife.com. I know I shouldn't mention that it hasn't happened to me (PM's open on profile) or to any of my three friends (okay: I have a few more but in any case we're a small sample size). There's a better way to check. Just go look at the Feed. I don't ever look at trending but I frequently see the 'front page' and there's been nothing posted about mmook there that I've seen. It seems that not everyone is getting this spam, my main and one of my two alts get it, but not the other. Who knows how mmook created their mailing list but it doesn't include everyone. Another reason for it being less noticeable is that many SL residents may not even know they are receiving this spam, because rather than trying to put an end to the spam, LL is simply no longer forwarding these messages to email. This is unfortunate on two counts, firstly as I no longer get them in email I cannot forward them to spam reporting agencies such as SpamCop which would have hopefully eventually had mmook shut down. But a more pressing problem is that many customers or potential customers do not know that the message system is now barely functional and thus still try to use it to communicate with merchants. Just today I received an irate IM from a customer who has been waiting a week for a response to a message I never realized had been sent. Checking my messages I found two genuine messages and a fresh bunch of mmook spam waiting for me Either LL needs to fix it the message system, or better yet disable it completely. Just because LL treats its customers with complete disdain, doesn't mean merchants would like to be tarred with the same brush for not answering our messages.
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: The web profile messaging option is the least useful one, it seems to me. For one thing the Feed is buggy as can be: lots of times it won't open or is offline, messages get lost, message notification counts are notoriously scrambled. Also, anyone who starts an SL account can post to the Feed (meaning fake accounts created just for that purpose). Using inworld IM's to email or notecards at least guarantees (or as close to a guarantee as is possible) that you will see the message and that the sender was someone who was actually inworld. I don't particularly like web profile messaging, but customers can and do contact me that way. So setting it to only allow friends to contact me is not an option as most of the messages I receive are questions from potential customers about my products prior to purchase. Personally I think that LL should just remove web profile message functionality completely for all the reasons you list, but if they insist on keeping them, then they need to make them work properly!
  3. Although LL simply can't be bothered to do anything about it, it doesn't mean that we are powerless to do something instead. For some reason, some but not all the emails have been forwarded to my email account. So what I did was sign up for a free SpamCop Account Then as each email comes in, I copy and paste the email with full headers into the reporting window on the Spamcop website. Press the process button and wait a few seconds. You will then be given the option of Sending the Spam Report, to abuse@steadfast.net, abuse@sendgrid.com and abuse@softlayer.com. However, and this is important, because the emails actually come from LL's server make sure to un-check both abuse@steadfast.net and abuse@sendgrid.com. Make sure that only the abuse@softlayer.com box is checked otherwise LL could potentially be added to email blacklists, although it will probably definitely make LL wake up and listen, it isn't what we really want. If enough people get these emails and report mmook.com for spamming, softlayer.com who hosts mmook.com will have to take action or risk being blacklisted. Crypt.
  4. Laszlo Yuitza wrote: THIS is not normal , I reported that to LL but it looked like they are not very intrestet or won't understand Yes, it seems as if LL simply don't care that the spam is making the messaging system very unpleasant to use. Or that some of their customers may be taken in by the criminals that run mmook. And changing my settings to only allowing private messages from friends is not an option, as most of my private messages come from marketplace customers or potential customers that have questions about my products. Unlike LL I don't believe that ignoring customers is the best policy.
  5. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: 1) Click on offending/annoying email message. 2) select Mark as SPAM End of problem. Hi KarenMichelle, Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately however as LL is the actual source of the email, marking the email as spam would effectively be reporting LL as the spammer. Crypt.
  6. jujmental wrote: Or you could leave things the way they are and just become a whinging masochist. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today? or are you just a thoroughly unpleasant individual? Most likely the latter. The point of raising this topic, is that hopefully LL will do something about the spam and even better will try and have mmook.com shut down. But if not, at the very least, I would hope that this thread might act as a warning to others to avoid mmook who are by all accounts (google mmook.com) a bunch of thieves. and hopefully prevent a few people from falling prey to these scammers. But of course, you are such a sourpuss that only motivation you understand is the boost you get from putting others down - what a sad little individual you are.
  7. If they were in-world IMs, then I would have just filed abuse reports, but they are instead private messages sent from https://my.secondlife.com/inbox/messages which are then forwarded by LL to my email account. Unfortunately LL doesn't seem to provide a way of flagging these private messages. The message have been coming for a few weeks now, and are of course being sent from LL accounts, but these appear to be throw away accounts with names made up of random letter like jdfigjgcnb. Ideally LL should be trying to have dishonest sites like mmook shut down, as just disabling the accounts that sent the spam would be ineffectual. Interesting, it just occurred to me to do a whois on mmook.com, it is registered to : Lifang Li, Changzhou, China. Crypt
  8. For the last few weeks I have been receiving private messages spamvertising mmook.com, all from throw away accounts with names like jdfigjgcnb. The contents of the messages are along the lines of "Hello ! Welcome to: www .mmook . com Buy Cheapest Linden Dollars . 5K Linden Dollars = 12.57" I was wondering if anyone else has been receiving this spam? Needless to say I haven't actually clicked on the link, as anyone who uses such underhand marketing methods is likely to be completely dishonest. Which brings me to the point of this message, is there anyway to report private message spam to LL? And how would LL go around having criminals like mmook.com shut down? Thanks, Crypt
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