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KFC Yootz

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  1. OK, an odd topic but I wonder, is SL capable of, you know...fast action at all? Example 1 - I decided to try and get into car racing as there are some great builds out there. Providing I avoid sim crossings I can go fast - in a straight line. But if I try and turn a corner at speed, I totally lose control of the car. Granted, I'm using arrow keys on a keyboard - but does everyone have this problem, or is it just me? Is there some knack to driving fast on SL? Similarly, on a motorbike, I cannot stay on the track at all if I try a corner. Example 2 - I once attended a NFL match on SL. It seemed to be lagging so much I couldn't even see anybody moving on the field. How is this sport possible? I know there are leagues dedicated to it here...but it seems to me that the entire game is players moving only a few steps jerkily. Is it just my viewer, or have others encountered real problems when it comes to fast, video game style action?
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