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Agrona Longfall

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Everything posted by Agrona Longfall

  1. I've been refreshing my market page for over 2 hours and the new items are still not there. Is that normal?
  2. I'm now thinking it's lag. I now have 3 boxes because I'm going to follow the advice of not bogging down one poor little box with so many items. I moved my new items and some old ones into a new box and synced all the boxes but the new items are still not showing up? Could I be right that it's lag?
  3. OK yes that does answer my questions. I had just editted the post you replied to to ask if I can have more than one box for my store. Obviously I need more than one! Thank you!
  4. Ok good idea! Now another question would be, does it work if I have multiple boxes with 50 or so DIFFERENT items in them? Will they deliver from the same marketplace page? Sorry if these are dumb quiestion but I didn't know there was a "limit" when I see market shops with many more items than I have. eta: Basically I want more items in my store but am not sure how to go about doing that, since one box will not do the whole job.
  5. I'll look for those posts. What do you mean by other regions? I only have one parcel of land available for me to use?
  6. I'm hoping my problem is just lag but I was wondering if there is a limit to how many items you can put into your magic box? I have 107 so far and am trying to load a new item I created but it doesn't the page doesn't seem to want to sync with the box. The items are in my Magic box but not showing up on my inventory page?? Any ideas? Thanks, Agrona L.
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