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Aryon Dagger

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  1. I am using the SL Viewer and while you thankfully have been lucky in not losing any inventory, this is not the first time this sort of thing has occured for me. I used the SL Wiki to find the "solution suggestions" regarding this issue and it did not help.
  2. To say the very least, I am heartbroken ... I purchased almost every build from 2 VERY good builders over the years (2007-2013) I have been in SL and EVERY single one is missing now. Not only that, but when sorted by name, the second half of the alphabet stuff is missing too. While I appreciate the Linden's need to grow and improve ... why not leave weel enough alone. Every time they "improve" something, the barrel effect means a dozen or more other things go wrong. I really am tired of losing inventory that creators won't replace due to LL's "improvements. Maybe they should back up before they improve or replace our losses. I've followed instructions for cache/inventory loss to no avail. Any other suggestions?
  3. To say the very least, I am heartbroken ... I purchased almost every build from 2 VERY good builders over the years I have been in SL and EVERY single one is missing now. Not only that, but when sorted by name, the second half of the alphabet stuff is missing too. While I appreciate the Linden's need to grow and improve ... why not leave weel enough alone. Every time they "improve" something, the barrel effect means a dozen or more other things go wrong. I really am tired of losing inventory that creators won't replace due to LL's "improvements. Maybe they should back up before they improve or replace our losses. I've followed instructions for cache/inventory loss to no avail. Any other suggestions?
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