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Caidence Andel

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Everything posted by Caidence Andel

  1. Hi, I’m interested in doing this, but I may need someone to walk me through setting it up. May I contact you?
  2. I’ve searched high and low for an up-to-date list of radio streams for my residential land parcel, but I’ve encountered so many contain broken links. Does anyone care to share their favorite or what’s streaming on their land right now? I’ve been exploring renting my own stream and using the “autoDJ” function by uploading my own MP3’s to run a personalized playlist. Can anyone give me a run down on what I need to run this? It is as simple as it seems, or am I missing something I need to stream in SL. This will play when I’m not online, correct? I hope this is the right place to ask. Thank you!
  3. Thank you for this extensive list!
  4. Thanks! It’s been a while since I’ve checked these stores out.
  5. Thank you! I’ve never heard of this store. I will check it out.
  6. I need someone who is far more fashionable than I am to help me with a dress/cute outfit. My current style is basically anything from the store Tres Blah. Cute and classy. I usually stick to black, purple and wine colors. I’m looking to jazz things up a bit. A party/cocktail dress, a romper, maybe dressy shorts/skirt and a nice top. I have a Maitreya body. I’ve scoured Flickr groups and marketplace and I haven’t found exactly what I’m looking for. Help!
  7. I’m very much an awkward turtle introvert (and late to the introvert party). Can I still join the club?
  8. Hey everyone, I’m Caidence. You can call me Caid or Caidy or Candice (lol). I’ve been off and on SL for 14 years now. I’ve made some wonderful friends through the years and still talk to many from my original days in the Hanja welcome area. It’s seems it’s harder these days to meet people, genuine people who aren’t alts with ulterior motives. Just down to earth people who like to hang out, listen to music, be silly with and have a few laughs. If you’d this sounds like you, please reach out. It would be fun to meet some new friends! 💜
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