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Lloyd Knoller

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Posts posted by Lloyd Knoller

  1. Blondin Linden wrote:

    Search Results Are Saved:
    Many of you have shared with us how you use search to discover your world and shop, and how you want your search results saved. We’ve all had this experience. We search for something, find an interesting event or place to go shopping, and then want to go back to our search results and find another place to go--but they are gone. When using the new Search, results are saved for 15 minutes so that you can easily go back and explore other options.


    Why are the results displayed in a time limited fashion and why 15 minutes? Yes,  many have "shared" with you that the clearing of search results was one big pain so how is clearing them after 15 minutes going to be any less of a pain?  It certainly takes me longer than 15 minutes to look round some shops and move on to the next. If it is impossible to make the results persist until they are cleared by the user, perhaps you need to go back to the drawing board, yet again.


    P.S. As a paying customer, when I'm forced to start using this, I absolutely do not want to see any spam "paid adverts"  taking space away from real search results

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